17. exposed

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"LET ME GO! LET GO OF ME YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Jeongin shrieks as two guards rush into the room and handcuff him to the chair. I look down at the scratches on my wrists, a clear imprint of his nails rooted in my skin. I thought allowing him to sit freely would let him open up more. I was not expecting an outburst like this.

"Calm down, Jeongin. We've gone through this before, right?" I say in an effort to help him regain his composure. I wait for a while till he settles down and the guards leave.

"I didn't tell you this earlier, but your drug test results came back positive. Is this a habit or did you try it recently?" I ask.

"Why the fuck should I tell you that?" He seethes, breathing heavily.

"This is for your own good, Jeongin. I'm here to help you, not arrest you. That is the police's job, not mine." It was the first time in any of our sessions that he had switched up like this.

"It's a habit," he says reluctantly after a moment of silence, looking away. "I can't control it."

"What led you to them?" I ask cautiously, not wanting him to get startled and create a scene again. I was really intrigued by his personality.

"Some kids at the orphanage gave it to me. I never asked for it but they told me to try it. Now I'm ruined and I've lost control over myself. What's my problem? It all started when I went to that wretched place. Should I not have let dad die? No wait, he was a terrible creature, he deserved it. My life has always been shit anyways. I need to-" He goes on rambling about seemingly disconnected things.

"I'm sorry, did you just say you let you father die? I thought you said you didn't know how he died?" I interject.

"Why wouldn't I know how he died when I killed him with my own hands?"

Goosebumps rise from my skin at his words. I've dealt with a various criminals in my career but he was different. There was absolutely no remorse in his eyes. His father did sound like a shitty human being, but killing him? At such a young age?

"But you-" I start, only to get caught off guard when I see Jeongin looking at me in horror.

"Did I do that to you?" He asks, fear evident in his eyes when he sees the nail marks on my hand. It wasn't bleeding that much so I could take care of it later.

"You don't remember?" I ask. The more we talked, the more I could confirm my suspicions.

"...No. I thought you said no handcuffs today?" He pouts sadly, eyeing his chained wrists. The light had slowly left his eyes with each passing day at the hospital, and it was driving him crazy because he had no memory of committing any of those crimes. I think I knew why now.


"God, my coffee sucks," I say, grimacing as I take a sip from the cup of instant coffee. With no one to operate the café, we had to resort to making it ourselves in the break room.

I hear the door click open and Felix emerges from outside the room. He smiles when he sees me.

"Glasses? That's new," I remark, eyeing his appearance. I was hyperventilating internally because how does one make old man spectacles look so good?

"I've been sitting in front of the screen a lot these days so my doctor advised to get them," he explains. "Does it look bad?"

"It's sexy," I say, looping my fingers through his neck tie and pulling him towards me. He rests his arms on the countertop behind me and traps me between them.

"Oh, is it?" He smirks and lowers his lips on to mine. I kiss him back before I realize something.

"Shit, I forgot we're at work. What if someone sees us?" I ask, abruptly breaking away. I knew no one had seen us do anything all this time, but I was still paranoid about it. There was a window on the door which let you look inside the room.

case 143 | lee felix Where stories live. Discover now