Chapter 7: Edmond II

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Edmond sat in his solar, in the top of the highest tower in the city. It had been his father's before his. He was looking at a stack of complaint letters from nearly all of the surrounding cities. Other letters were likely on their way too, the pigeons probably just hadn't arrived yet.

The lords of the cities were questioning the judgement of the King, for his methods of hunting down a small child. Most of the cities believed that all of the old alchemists were gone, and saw no reason to be hunting down a little boy.

That was just an excuse, though. They were using the burning of Ficus as an excuse to push their other grievances with the throne.

Oros was the centre of trade in the land, it was no doubt, but for one to trade in Oros, they needed to pay a hefty tax on any goods that came in, and there was a different royal tax that ran through every port in Aurea. If the cities were found not to comply, the Royal Oroshi fleet would come knocking. The lords paid their taxes.

Edmond had set the taxes higher almost every year, and this was on top of the tithes he collected from the cities for the usage of the lands. For currently in Aurea, it was one King who owned all of the lands. The other cities were still the Crown's property, and their rulers were merely glorified landlords. They were just called lords, though.

Most of the lords of the cities had agreed that they wanted the kingdom to be divided into five realms, that would each have their own king. They wanted to own their lands outright and collect their own taxes from their own people and keep the taxes that came through their own ports.

Edmond didn't like the imposing threat. It could mean war if he decided to decline the cities requests, but if he caved to their demands, he would lose half of his Kingdom. And what kind of King would he be then? If he lost four fifths of his tax money, Oros would no longer be the city it was; within years they would see the decline in the state of the streets, and not have the funds to repair them, while on the other hand, if he fought, he could lose everything.

He decided to have a glass of wine instead of think about it. Surely somebody on his council would suggest the best course of action anyways.

He was just pouring his second glass - quite taller than the first - when Mallard came in. His treasurer was a stubbly little man, only five foot four, with a plump gut that loved wine, and a quick wit about him that the King didn't like to listen to for very long. It made him feel like he wasn't as smart as him- which he wasn't.

"It looks like you have gotten fed up with the letters as well."

"They're all the bloody same, Mallard."

"It would seem that the lords have been talking."

"Aye, it would."

"You know, some might consider that treason."

The King hadn't thought of it, but it was true. Under Oroshi law, something or other about conspiracies? The King didn't remember, and asked Mallard to refresh him as to why.

"It's a conspiracy to overthrow the Crown, my King. I'm a fool to remind you, surely you must see it. The lords hide behind the incident at Ficus, but have clearly had meetings of sorts. They offer you the city and castles that you currently reside it, and very little else, hoping to scare you into agreeance. When it comes to it, will they fight, especially if we make them seem traitors. Surely there must be better kings than the five they have chosen.

Edmond had seen that, but not thought to label them as conspirators.

"I see, so are you recommending I have the lords heads?"

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