Chapter 11: Arthan Sci

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The days in the North-Eastern lands of Sci were just starting to grow shorter, as autumn set in. The orange of the early sunsets were starting to bleed into the colours of the leaves, as everything besides the pines and firs turned wide varieties of crimson to bright poppy red, and cherry, with hints of yellow and orange and brown.

There were whispers on the wind that the old powers were returning. The Sullen Covey were said to be capturing more lands, and forcing the field living peasants to fight with them. They were said to be growing more powerful in their spells, and there were whispers of new, frightening creatures that roamed with them. As a result of this, many of the old alchemists were coming out of hiding. It seemed the threat of the alchemist regime was rising once again.

It was the preparation time for the winter seasons. The King of Sci was making sure that all the stores and wares were in order, checking with each division of his council to make sure every man, woman and child of the city would make it through.

The winters were tough in the North lands, and the Scillians were much more urban that the forest folk, who had preserved their ways of living in the winter throughout the ages. The people of Sci stayed inside for the seasons, hibernating like bears and toads.

"We've enough grain, but not enough legumes, and we still haven't given a portion to Oros." The King's treasurer was saying. The increasing land tax from King Edmond in Oros had left the city short on rations, for the first time in decades.

"Damned Oroshians. How does the King think us to live throughout the winters? It isn't as if he knows anything of the unforgiving season."

"Perhaps you could write to your daughter, my King."

The Queen of Oros was the sister of the King of Sci. It was a match made perfectly, at least it had been. He had often written to her with requests of the King, and for information. Lately, the King had been less accommodating to his requests.

The Scillians had the only big enough army to be any real threat to Oros, and Edmond had married Ariana Sci to make sure that they stayed on the side of the Kingdom. The Scillian King, whose name was Arthan Sci, was starting to regret marrying off his daughter.

"It is no use, Loren," Arthan informed his treasurer. "I haven't gotten any replies back from her in a moons turn. It is as if she is not receiving them. It is not like her to ignore my letters."

"It is possible that the King would have his men reading the letters first, or the birds may simply have not made it."

"Still, it is rather curious."

The King of Sci looked out of small tower that was his treasurer's office. He like as often as he could to visit his aides in their quarters, rather than summoning them to his office. He loved his lands, and his castle.

Sci was starting to get colder. It had a short summer, but it didn't bother Arthan. He loved the cold. He loved when the Scillian Bay froze over, and often took trips hunting winter boars, and fishing through holes in the ice of the bay.

"It is starting to grow dark earlier. Soon we'll be in the short days, and there will be no time to stock rations, once we have into them."

"Has there been a letter back from the council of lords?"

"There has. The King still seems oblivious to our dealings so far. He has counter offered saying that we should decide whom the proposed kings would be of these new realms. He thinks it will start a war, I presume."

"And will it?"

"Not if all of the lords agree to a vote."

"And if they do not?"

"Well, then he might just be right. It can't have been Edmond that decided this plan, I've met the man. Daft as a mule, and hollow as a barrel."

Loren squirmed a little bit in his boots. "My King, I fear the worst when he does inevitably find out the motives of his own lordlings."

"I know, Loren. It is treason. How many times must you tell me? Treason this, and treason that, but any overthrower is treasonous, until they become Kings. Besides, wasn't this your idea?"

"No, your grace, It was Patel's; five realms. Each their own. The people will rejoice. Farmers will no longer pay two tithes, and we will be able to afford the repair of the city walls."

"Ah yes, right. And so they will. I am going to send word to Dryhaven. We shall form a council of lords, and decide by vote the division of land, and who shall be the new Kings. I myself will put my name for vote. It cannot be more fair."

"Five realms at war, more like." Loren said.

"Perhaps... But progress must be made, for the better of the realm."

"I agree, my King, but I think there must be a better way."

"Well, then tell it."

"I do not know, but I know there must be one."

"In war, and the changing of times, people die. They always have, and they always will. It is about making the right decisions, so that they may not die in vain. How many people will die this year in the winter from Edmonds tax? And what of them?"

"Yes, your grace. Of course." Loren said.

The King of Sci made his way back through the castle. The castle was much less colourful that the one in Oros. It was very grey, like the stone it was made of. The throne room, which once had been a true throne room - with a real king - back before the lands had all bowed to Oros, mainly because of a large famine that struck the rest of the lands. They turned to Oros for saviour, and Edmond II's great, great grandfather Archibald had saved them with rations from the city, on the stipulation that the realms, which had been divided into six realms then, had formed into one.

There was one King that rebelled, King Arland Arbol. His people were not affected by the famine, and when the rest of the realms complied, he gathered his people, and fled south to the islands, and formed the region of Arbol. Arland ruled Abrol peacefully for his reign, and so did the sons of his name, Arland II and Arland III, and IV.

Arland IV had died in a violent storm at sea, while traveling between two of the settling islands, leaving his son, Arros, the first of a new name. He had lost hold of the morals of his fathers, and soon Arbol fell into a state of chaos, resulting in a civil war.

The leader of the civil war was a man named Dorian Crasse. He lost the main of the civil war, and was killed early on in the battling, but his men had continued to fight in the name of Crasse and what he stood for. Crasse won the battle in the long run, although he was never there to see it, and Arbol was divided into two of its own realms, Arbol, and Crasse, though the part of the land was generally just called "Arbol".

Arthan wanted his kingdom back. He was lord because he had been in the bloodline of the old King of Sci, and felt that it was time for him to reclaim his portion of the realm, for his blood.

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