Chapter 13: Meeting Rufus Rexford

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Tharon, Tally and Gad followed the cloaked man named Hoth back to his little cabin in the woods. It was not very far off, as he had promised, and was just as small as he had said too.

It was only enough room for a bed on each wall, and a small hall in the middle of the two, no bigger than the width of the door. It was secure, built of thick logs, and bound with hard sap, melted down over the fire in a basin, and then layered on to harden again between the logs.

The beds were bunked, and had two extra sleeping quarters over the top. It still wouldn't be enough, but it was as if they had been accustomed to visitors, or perhaps built it so that travellers could use the hut as well. This question was answered as Hoth dug out the venison, as promised.

"We keep the hut open, for people to use if they need. But we don't want them finding the food caches, or worse yet, the wolves and bears. Always sniffing around for other people's foods, they are. Master especially doesn't like wolves."

At first what he said was the venison just looked like a big iridescent bubble that looked like it didn't have anything but air in it. It was translucent, and light, and you could see Hoth's hand underneath it as he picked it up.

Binds that be, from air, and cultures,
'worms and thieves alike,
undo yourself, before us vultures,
'that we may dine tonight.

The bubble disapparated with the man's last word, revealing a sealed bag with fresh looking venison steaks in it. They seemed to be marinating in some dark brine that smelled spicy and vinegary and made Tharon and Tally's mouths water.

"So, where is your master?" Tharon asked, as him and Tally watched the giant slabs of tender meat cook on a rack over the fire.

Gadriver had stayed to make the beds in the cabin. Hoth had told that he could set the four beds for them, and said that master wouldn't mind taking the floor.

"He'll be back any minute. Probably out going to the washroom, or something."

"What is he like?" Tally asked.

"He's, well, that's hard to describe. It's best probably that you find out for yourself. And, would you look now, there he is."

A man was approaching, putting on a loose 'V' cut shirt that went nearly down to his knees, with the sleeves went just past his elbow. He looked much younger than Hoth. Tharon and Tally both had the same wonderment as to why this man was the other's master.

His hair on top was full and thick, and brownish red, and he had the thickest beard that Tharon had ever seen, of the same colour. It was trimmed only an inch and a half long. His face looked younger even than Gad's. He had a pointed chin, and eyes that slanted slightly down towards his cheeks. His skin wasn't pale, or wrinkled at all, and Tally thought him to be rather handsome. His eyes burned like a green flame when they reflected the firelight.

"That's your master?" Tharon asked.

"That is," Hoth said, and nodded at his master approaching.

"Hello, Tharon, and Thalia Ficus," The man said as he stepped close and took a seat on a sideways log by the fire.

"My name is Rexford Rufus Randall, I go by Rufus, so you can call me that, or 'Rex', if you like, but please not 'Rexy', of 'Roof'. Does the venison smell as good to you? The smell of the juices makes my mouth water."

"I suppose it would, and I'd say it might for a little while, how long was it, this time? Two full days?" Hoth asked and stated at the same time.

"Well, one can't blame a man in this cold. It seems I don't feel the weather when I do. Plus, I like to run." His master answered jovially. He was a light talking fellow. He reminded Tharon of Gadriver, before the burning, and sort of Goro, but much younger. He seemed to say things like a jolly old man, but looked to be in his mid-twenties.

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