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‘’Did you notice anyone unfamiliar on the party?’’ I asked Keiji when he parked his car in front of my building. I saw Mrs. Nakano getting inside, talking with some man, approximately her age.

Mrs. Nakano was a widow that I knew from my early childhood. She was a kind woman and almost like a mother to me. I did not dare calling her ‘my other grandmother’ since she was very sensitive about her age. She was like a bulletin board of our street; she knew almost everything and everyone. If anyone wanted to find out something new, they would go ‘for some cookies and coffee’ at her place. I almost smiled at the possibility of her having a ‘boyfriend’. Her husband had died about 8 years ago and since then, she lived alone in a relatively big apartment. If I was in that situation, I would be scared to live alone. She had a son though, he was a doctor and he lived with his own family; he came to visit once a week or so.

‘’No. Why’’

‘’No reason.’’ I shook my head.

Keiji got out of the car and opened the door for me. Somewhat surprised, I took hand and got out, smiling ‘’Thanks.’’

‘’You’re welcome.’’ He smiled and walked me to the building door.

‘’Thanks for driving me home. See you at school.’’ I smiled again and opened the building door.

‘’MyAnna.’’ He said and made me turn around.

We stared at each other for a second before he cupped my cheeks very gently and kissed my lips. I blinked, in pure surprise, and pushed him away, maybe a bit too unfriendly and harshly.

I looked at him once more, not knowing what to say; I turned around and went upstairs, to the elevator. I did not even notice going inside and standing in it as it went up for five floors.

As soon as I got into my room, I sat on the bed and simply wondered what on earth happened.

I decided to call Meiko. I figured maybe this would not be a surprise for her and she could help me make some sense out of it. Keiji and her were very close and as far as I knew, kept few secrets from each other.

‘’What?!’’ Meiko exclaimed. ‘’He kissed you?! On your lips?’’

‘’Shhhhh.’’ I said ‘’What if someone hears you?’’  I said, squeezing my phone in discomfort. She was surprised.

‘’So? Oh dear.... He kissed you. That is so weird.’’

‘’Weird? Tell me about it!’’

‘’Did you kiss him back?’’

‘’No! I pushed him away....’’ I started playing with the plush toy that lay on my bed.


‘’I don’t know. What do you think why?’’ I leaned back on the bed.

‘’But maybe he likes you. He probably does.’’

‘’Meiko. Likes me? Me?’’

She sighed ‘’I forgot. He doesn’t know. - I heard her putting her hand over her mouth. Then she spoke again ‘’He kissed a... wait no.’’

‘’Yes. He kissed a guy. Technically.’’

I sighed and got up. I stood in front of the large mirror I had in my room; I could see myself there entirely. I was wearing my pyjamas since it was quite cold tonight. In any other night, I would wear a sleeping dress.

Nineteen years ago, I was born as a half boy-half girl. A hermaphrodite, if you will. I had both female and male reproductive organs, for those who are still wondering what I had and did not have. Namely, I had breasts (small ones but still breasts) but I also had a male reproductive organ (also a relatively small one). I never paid much attention to what I was and how my body looked like. You could say that sometimes I even forgot about it. But, tonight, I was so rudely reminded. What would he say and/or do if he knew he, in theory, kissed a guy? I chuckled and tied my long, silken black hair into a pony tail.

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