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-Why on earth would Keiko contact me?!- I shouted in horror after my mind processed the thought that I was contacted by a girl that died months ago.

-Shhhhh. - Eihi said covering her lips with her left index finger –Someone may hear you.-

I covered my mouth with the hands widening my eyes. If anyone hears what we are saying, we’d be send to an asylum most likely, I thought.

-Why on earth would Keiko contact me?- I repeated more silently now, my hands loose around my body, shivering slightly.

-She did talk to you in the well too, right?- Eihi asked. She was clearly worried about this herself; I could see it in her eyes.

-Well, yes but at the time, most of them came to me. They said I would save them or something.-

-Technically, you did. The spirits will be sent to where they belong soon. Well, that’s what the rite should do, though I have a feeling they will stick around more.-

-You talk about these things as if you know they are facts.- I sat on a chair close to her, trying to calm down.

-These are facts. It does sound crazy to a 21st century person, but long ago, all this made sense. Our ancestors never doubted the presence of the supernatural.- She lit yet another cigarette; she really smoke too much.

-Would that mean all our legends and stories are correct?- My stomach clenched.

Her brows formed softly as she shook her head and exhaled a smoke –Most of them are true but some are just fiction, produced of people’s wild imagination.-

-Well, then...which are not true?-

-Why do you ask?-

-I want to know who can attack me at night. - I shivered, thinking how all the stories were supposed to be just scary bedtime stories for children.

-Well- she said – you can be sure that Kuchisake Onna won’t cut your pretty face.-

I swallowed –How can you be sure the story about her isn’t true?-

-Because it isn’t.-

-What about Teke Teke?-

-That case is from 1969.-


-My grandfather was a police officer. He was a role-model for me, we were very close.- She smiled –He knew all about grandma’s abilities and he believed her.- She sighed as memories rushed to her head –He was the only person that truly believed her. I found all this out after he death. He died about 5 years after her. Anyways, he worked in that case.-

-What case?-

- A young girl, I forgot her name, was bullied in school. One night, her bullies decided to perform another prank on her, which turned out to be fatal for her.-

-They put a cicada on her shoulder.- I said, remembering the story about Teke Teke.

-Yes. Or that’s what the story says; I’m not even sure anymore what the prank was. But, it got her to fall off the platform and fall on the tracks, right under the train that cut her in half.-

I swallowed –Okay? So...she never came back?-

Eihi formed a crooked smile –Oh, she did.-

-What?!- I jerked, and then asked silently –She is real?-


-No. No.- I was honestly scared at that point –You’re just trying to scare me.-

-I am not. A girl from my high school died because of that creature. I remember that because I saw it with my own eyes.-

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