Creatures in the Cave

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-I hate this!- I yelled at Eihi –First I am kidnapped by some psychos, then they go after my best friend and make her KILL herself, now all this crap with the yūrei.... I cannot take it any longer! You got me into this, now get me out!-

Eihi blinked at my angry outburst; she looked calmer than she should have, in my eyes.

-Heck, they even tried making ME kill myself!- I swayed my arms in the air as if it was going to make my point stronger and sat on the bench then crossing my arms over my chest, my lower lip softly pouting in irritancy.

-Firstly, I did not get you into anything. You were clearly chosen for who knows what, but you were c-h-o-s-e-n.- She huffed and sat next to me opening her can of lemon-flavoured coke –Now, start from the beginning. What suicide? What do you mean?-

-Meiko knew something! And then she killed herself. She wrote it in her diary.- I sighed, shifting to a more comfortable position; my hands were not placed on my lap nervously playing with each other –And when I went to her grave, something talked to me. And told me I should die and even pushed me down. I swear I felt the damn touch! The hands! And when I came home and took a bath, I found it appropriate to cut my wrists. Look!- I used one hand to push my long-sleeved T-shirt up to show my scar to Eihi –I did not do this knowingly!-

She stared at my scar and took a fairly big gulp of the coke; she placed the can down next to her and grabbed my wrist, hovering over the scar with her index finger, examining it. Then, she let go off my hand and took another sip of the coke –Ghosts do not speak.-

-No shit? Both that girl in front of the well and Keiko have lacked tongues!- I remembered.

-What girl?-

-When I escaped the well, there was some girl in front of it. She grabbed my shoulders and opened her mouth. I could hear some screaming or screeching sound, cannot really recall.- I shook my head slightly –That’s as far as my memory goes. The next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital. Why do they not have tongues? Did...Did those people cut them off?-

-No. All ghosts are like that. They are not alive so they cannot speak to us. They can only send signs and things like that.- She explained.

-So, whatever it was on the graveyard was not a yūrei or any kind of a ghost. Great.-

Eihi glared at me, squeezing the can so much that it started folding in her arm.

-Umm, you’ll hurt yourself.- I pointed at the can.

-Damn it!!- She exclaimed and threw the can into the trash angrily. She walked around then stopped in front of me –Fucking damn it!-

-What?- I asked confused.

-We were wrong! I was wrong! The yūrei are probably... They probably have nothing to do with anything!-

-I thought we already knew this.-

-No. I mean, yeah Keiko and all that stuff. Yūrei for sure. But I had my doubts of one of them being involved in the whole thing!-

-How is that even possible?- I raised an eyebrow.

-Oh it is! I read it in my grandma’s books. There are certain subtypes of yūrei that can go on living for centuries, living off human.... Products and controlling humans and all that crap. They’re close to what we call demons although they are not.-

-Wait... yokai?!- I exclaimed.            

-No, not even them.-

-Then what are you talking about? You’re not making any sense...again.-

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