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Coexisting with Regulus has been much easier since the two of us refuse to speak to each other. The glares and insults from other students have calmed down a bit, but they're still scared of me. Not that I mind, it's easier getting stuff done when everyone's too afraid to interrupt me.

"Today's our day with (Y/n)," Lily says, grabbing my arm.

"I thought you were here for me," James says.

Lily rolls her eyes, "In your dreams, Potter."

Sirius stands up from his seat, "Absolutely not, you can't have her."

"You've been keeping her from us for two weeks now!" Addie says.

I stand at the table, staring at the food in front of us. It's lunchtime, but I can barely eat.

"So? We met her first!"

"Actually, I met Lily first."

"It doesn't matter," Peter says.

James, who was on the other side of the table, is now next to us. He falls to his knees, clasping his hands together. "Please, Evans. Quidditch tryouts are tomorrow, I need to help (L/n) prepare."

Quidditch tryouts, the very reason I'm too anxious to eat. I don't know why I let James convince me to try out.

"You can have her at dinner," Lily says, dragging me away.

Addie, Lily, and I sit across from Marlene. She raises an eyebrow at us when we sit, "You finally broke free from the Marauders?"

"I think it was more like a kidnapping."

Lily laughs at my words, "They can't have you all of the time."

The surrounding students stand up. One of the girls glares at me, "She's probably helping the Dark Lord herself. Dumbledore should've expelled her."

"Say that shit again!" Marlene yells, slamming her hands down on the table.

The group of Gryffindors scurry away, now fearing Marlene more than me, I'm sure.

"Thank you, but you guys don't have to defend me," I say.

Addie scoffs, "Of course we do. We're best friends."

"I don't know why they pick and choose who to hate. Regulus and Sirius's parents are dark wizards, and no one gives them shit about it."

I look back at Marlene in confusion, "Their parents are Dark Wizards?"

"Yeah, it's no secret that their parents are joining the Dark Lord," Addie says.

"That's why Sirius left. He didn't want to join them," Lily adds.

I look back at the Slytherin table, watching as Regulus picks at his food. So that's how he knew about my father. Could it be possible that his parents have met my father?

My heart races at the thought. It's been two years since I last saw my father, and I have no plans to see him ever again.

"Are you okay, (Y/n)?" Lily asks.

I nod my head, "Yeah, I'm just nervous about the tryouts tomorrow."

"There's no need to be nervous. You always pass everything."

I smile at Addie, feeling shy at her compliment. Marlene makes a joke, and we all laugh. I look further down the table and see the Marauders. They all pout and make hearts with their hands. Rolling my eyes at their antics, I turn back to the girls and listen.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

My hand grips the handle of my broom tightly. The girl's locker room is empty, I'm the only girl trying out this year. I stare down at my broom. The Marauders and I had snuck off to Hogsmeade last week so I could buy it.

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