Chapter 8

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*Payton's POV*
I woke up from a text from my mom. It was 10:47am and the sun was shining through my window.

I'm over at the Beckham's, if you want to come over.

No thanks. I don't feel like dealing with him this early in the day. I get out of bed, with navy knee high socks on, and an oversized grey sweater with no pants on, just laced VS underwear(pic in slot). No pants are the best pants.

I head downstairs, prepping my breakfast. I try and eat healthy a lot, so I made some oatmeal and fruit with a glass of water. I hear a knock on the door and go to answer it. Brooklyn stands there in a white graphic tee, khaki colored jeans, black vans, a beanie and sunglasses on. Why do guys have to be such asses and look so good..

"Cute pjs," he smirks at me, walking in past me, heading to my living room.

"Please.. Come in," I say sarcastically.

"Don't mind if I do," he grins, already flipping through the channels. I pick at my breakfast a little, but only take two bites. I put my dishes in the sink, and went to change. I got upstairs and changed into a navy blue lace dress and went back downstairs to find Brooklyn on my phone.

"Why are you on my phone?!" I ask trying to grab my phone back. He moved before I could get to it.

"Don't grab," he smirked.

"Stop being such an ass and give me back my phone please," I said, slightly irritated but trying to keep my cool.

"I'm okay, but thanks for asking," he snickered, continuing to go through my phone.

"Pleaseeeeee Brook," I whined, putting on my fake sad face and puppy dog eyes.

"I didn't want to do this.. but...." I grabbed his phone that was on the table in front of us and ran upstairs.

"Oh really now," I heard him say as he put my phone in his front pocket and ran after me. He of course, being faster, picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Put me down! I swear to god if you drop me..." I yelled.

"I'd never. And you have a nice ass ny the way.. Damn," he said.

"I do my squats, can you tell?" I joked. "Now put me downnnnnn," I whined again.

"Very much so," he eyed me again. Then he set me down on my bed, careful not to drop me. He was hovering over me biting his lip and I couldn't help but feel chills run throughout my body.

"Can I have my phone now?" I said holding my hand out. He shook his head no, grinning, and for a while, we just looked into each other's eyes until I started grinning.

"What?" He asked.

I showed him my phone and smiled cheekily.

"How did you?-- what?" He looked confused, but impressed.

I winked at him and ran down the stairs.

Brooklyn followed, and sat down first. I sat down after that and he looked at me puzzled.

"What're you doing?" He asked.


"You can sit closer to me, you know," he said. I moved over a little towards him. He wrapped an arm around me, and played with my hair a bit. I leaned my head on his shoulder and somehow everything in the world felt.. right. Maybe the voice in my head was right.. Maybe I do like Brooklyn.


Brooklyn left after a while, and I painted my nails and caught up on some tv since I wasn't doing anything.

It was really stuffy in my room, so I went to go open my window when I couldn't help but notice that Brooklyn was outside in his driveway with a blonde girl. They talked for a bit, laughed, and then he kissed her. She left after that and I flopped down on my bed. This is what you get for not listening to your brother.. huh. I sighed and my eyes fogged up with tears. I sat there in my room, hugging my knees and crying for a little while, wondering why this was happening to me.

But I knew exactly why.

I fell for a Fuckboy named Brooklyn Beckham.

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