Chapter 65

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*Payton's POV*
The doorbell rang, and my eyes shot open. Mark was here.

I unwrapped myself from Brook's arms and walked over to the front door, Brooklyn following me close behind.

I opened the door and my eyebrows furrowed at who I saw standing there.

"Uh, I'm Brayden, Mark sent me over, something came up and he just wanted me to stop by and get the story for him," a teenage boy, with brown hair in a quiff and dark brown eyes stood there. (Idk why but I picture him as Cameron Dallas don't ask).

"Um, come in I guess," I chuckled and let him in. He was wearing a black Diamond&Co. hoodie, khaki jeans and black vans.

I was really surprised to see Brooklyn being completely calm about Brayden. He's usually be giving him a glare, or clenching his jaw trying to hold back from saying something by now, but he was totally okay with Brayden being in my presence. I guess we were in the point in our relationship where jealousy didn't bother us.

"So, what's the story, who are we stalking next?" He joked, as I led all of us back to the living room.

"We?" I asked confused.

"Oh, um, Mark's my dad, he sends me on stalking missions constantly, I'm pretty good at what I do," he said.

"Ah, gotcha, anyways, here's the story. Actually, would you wanna tell it Brook? It's better coming from your side," I turned towards Brooklyn.

"Sure," he nodded his head and started. "So me and Payton have been dating for a while, and my ex, but not really ex, Savannah has been.. persistent. You could say that she really doesn't like Payton, but we wouldn't know if she would go this far. Payton models, and she used to have an.. eating problem." A look of hurt flashed on his face and I put my hand on his as he continued. "We were in San Diego for a tournament, and while Payton was away, a girl who I'd never seen before approached me and told me that if I didn't make it look like I was cheating on Payton in front of her, she would release the information about her past anorexia. I did it, only because she had a major show she couldn't lose for, but now that we're together again, we're worried that whoever did it might release the info anyways."

"We just wanna find out who was blackmailing us, and preferably soon, I still have my show coming up and can't have my career at stake," I sighed and Brooklyn squeezed my hand in a comforting way.

"We'll find whoever it was, don't worry," Brayden reassured, and then got up to leave.

"Thanks, for doing all this. This probably isn't a top priority compared to people trying to murder other people and shit like that, a dive heard from your dad," I laughed.

"Yeah, no one's trying to murder you, but I'm sure my dad will still take this as seriously as any other case he has," Brayden smiled before opening the front door. "He'll contact you once he gets any leads, which will probably be either late tonight if the case is easy and the person isn't that smart, or tomorrow if the person is a mastermind of some sort. But don't worry, everyone leaves a trail of some kind. They always do," he finished off before getting in his Black Mercedes and driving off.

I closed my front door and sighed. I really hope there's a trail. Otherwise, I'm screwed.

"We'll find out who did this, don't worry Pay," Brooklyn comforted, I guess because he could sense my anxiousness. Next thing I knew, was that I was pulled into Brook's infamous hugs, that make your insides go to mush, and all of the thoughts in your mind go away.

"I know they'll find them, but I'm just scared of what to do when they do.." I sighed. If it was someone I hated, like Savannah, which I doubt even she would go that low, I wouldn't care that much. I'd just confront her and make it all go away. But on the other hand, what if it wasn't? Who else have I screwed over in my life? Who else hated me that much?

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