Chapter 22

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*Payton's POV*

The team ended up winning 12-9, and Brooklyn scored 5 of those 12 goals. I couldn't be any prouder.

After the game ended and the team was celebrating, I ran down from the stands to congratulate everyone.

Finding Brooklyn in the crowd, I run up and hug him. "You did so good! I'm such a proud soccer mom right now," I smiled up at him.

"Thanks, but it was probably because you were here though, guess you'll have to come to all my games now, can't let my lucky charm go now, can I?" He grinned hugging me tighter, resulting in me laughing as a reflex.

The guys soon walk over to us, and Brooklyn releases his grip on my enough for me to turn towards them.

"You guys played really good, and nice assists, Sean," I complimented.

"Thanks, safe to say it was a good game for everyone," he adds and everyone agrees with a few murmurs and nods. "Now who's up for Dinner?!" Sean offers.

"Yeah! I'm hella hungry," Matt says.

"For sure, lemme just go talk to my parents real quick.. they should be fine with it," I laugh. Me, Sean and Brooklyn run over to the stands to where both of the families are conversating. When they notice us come up in our unmistakable red uniforms, they turn towards us.

"Good game, Sean, I'm so proud of you, you have no idea," my dad said, pulling him into a side and messing with his hair, like I'd mentioned before was a think with us Foster kids. I couldn't help but 'awe' at the moment they were having, and I'm pretty sure I ruined it too.

"Thanks dad," Sean says.

"Is it okay if I go out to dinner with the team?" I ask my parents.

"Of course, you guys've earned it. You kids go have fun," our parents agree. I smile and wave bye to everyone, then run off to the team.

"Meet at Top Beach in 15 minutes? Gives us time to change?" I ask. Everyone nods and we all head home. Once I'm in my room, I choose to wear a baby pink loose cropped top, a patterned skirt, black ankle boots, and black sunglasses(pic in media slot). I grab my bag, and phone, then spritz Burberry Brit on me before heading over to Brooklyn's.

I see that his parents are already home, and I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell. Moments after, David answers.

"Payton, please come in," he lets me in.

"Darling you look gorgeous," Vic says, walking from the kitchen to greet me. I give her a hug and reply.

"How about you?! You're at home and still look stunning!" I gushed. It was unfortunately very true.

"You're too sweet! Brooklyn's still getting ready upstairs, why don't you wait down here in the living room?"

"Of course," I smiled and sat down on their white suede sectional.

"Hey Payton," Romeo and Cruz run up to me.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I ask with a smile. I love these kids, and I've always wanted younger siblings but all I got was Sean.

"We're gonna go outside to play some football, wanna come with?" Romeo asks me.

"Sorry guys, I'm going out to dinner with Brooklyn's team right now, we'll definitely have to play together sometime though!"

"Okay, we've even heard that you're better than Brooklyn!" Cruz says excitedly, and I smirk at that.

"She's what?" Brooklyn questions, coming down the stairs. He's wearing a NYU maroon shirt, with khaki jeans and maroon and beige vans(pic in media slot). How does he know how to dress himself?! Like wtf!

"They're not wrong ya know," I joke.

"They sort of are," he winks back at me.

"Bye munchkins," I say getting up and ruffling Cruz's hair.

"Hey that takes me 2 hours in the morning to do!" He yells at me.

"That's longer than I do my hair and makeup," I say rolling my eyes.

"Well that's why my hair looks this good all the time and yours...." he jokes.

"Yeah okay," I giggle and we head for the door.

"Bye mom, bye dad!" Brooklyn yells out. They appear around the corner from the kitchen, David holding Harper in his arms.

"Have fun guys!" Vic says.

"Thanks, we'll probably back for a movie and some football later maybe," Brooklyn explains.

"Alright," Vic agrees. We head out and Brooklyn opens the car door for me.

"Nice one Brook," David smirks from the doorway and I can't help but laugh.

We make it to Top Beach and walk inside to see that almost everyone is in their seat. There's two open seats between Matt and Sean, and we take those.

"Ayyyyy there's our favorite girl," Matt yells out and I smack his chest playfully telling him to shut up.

"Yeah whatever," I laugh.

"Modest much?" Brook jokes.

"Just a little," I grin.

"What can I get you guys today?" A waitress comes up eyeing Brooklyn. Always Brooklyn. Ugh. As if on que, he turns my chin and kisses my lips lightly when someone else orders. I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers under the table. This catches the waitress's attention and she glares at me. I smirk back and begin to order.

"I'll have ice water, as well as a chicken strip salad, dressing on the side," I say politely despite what happened. I can't help but notice everyone glaring at me. "What?" I ask. No one speaks up and I explain my order. "I have a show in 2 weeks. The one I have once a year and I need to require certain measurements or they'll fire me?" I remind them.

"Live a little Pay," Sean rolls his eyes.

"I'll 'live a little' once the show's over," I roll my eyes back at him. The waitress finishes taking everyone's orders and we're all making small talk.

"No fucking way," I hear Brook mutter. I look at him confused, then turn to where he's looking.

Tbh I'm more pissed than upset by this point.

Savannah. Ugh.

But the guy she's with, really makes me pissed.

"Fucking makes sense," I say under my breath rolling my eyes and brace myself for the piece of plastic and the tool walking over to our table.

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