New Friends?

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Dragonfly moved carefully through the underbrush, using the natural camouflage of his wings to blend into the forest. The campfire from the hostile dragons flickered in the distance as he crept around their camp, careful not to make a sound. The last thing he needed was to draw their attention.

As he continued deeper into the mountains, the trees grew thicker, and the terrain more rugged. The air was crisp, filled with the scent of pine and damp earth. He heard the sound of a brook nearby, its gentle babbling a welcome distraction from the tense silence that had followed him since he'd left Pantala.

Dragonfly crouched by the stream, taking a quick drink before deciding on his next move. Just as he was about to take off, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him. He spun around, wings unfurling defensively, expecting trouble.

Instead, he saw a small dragon peering at him from behind a tree trunk. The dragon was about his size, but its scales shifted colors rapidly, cycling through hues of blue, green, purple, and orange. The dragon's eyes were bright and curious, a stark contrast to the rough-looking dragons he'd seen at the campfire.

"Hey, you!" the small dragon called out, stepping into the open with a wide grin. "Who are you, and what brings you out here? This isn't exactly a tourist spot, you know."

"I'm Dragonfly," he replied, lowering his wings but still keeping his guard up. "I'm just, uh, exploring."

The color-changing dragon nodded, his scales turning a vibrant shade of yellow. "Cool! I'm Pineapple. You don't look like you belong around here. Where are you from?"

"Pantala," Dragonfly said cautiously. "I'm here on a mission to find out if there are other dragons."

Pineapple's eyes widened with interest. "Pantala? I've heard of that place! You're a long way from home, friend. But you're in luck—my friend Dreamcatcher might know more about this mission of yours. Wanna come meet her?"

Dragonfly hesitated, but Pineapple seemed genuinely friendly, and his instinct told him to trust the dragon's energy. "Sure, lead the way."

Pineapple bounced ahead, his scales shifting to a lively green as he led Dragonfly through the forest. It wasn't long before they reached a small cave nestled between two massive boulders. A faint glow emanated from within, and Dragonfly could hear the soft murmur of voices.

Inside the cave, a dragon sat near a glowing pool of water. Her scales were a deep midnight black, speckled with silver spots that resembled stars in the night sky. She turned to face them, her violet eyes studying Dragonfly with interest.

"Pineapple, who have you brought to me?" she asked in a gentle but authoritative voice.

"This is Dragonfly," Pineapple replied cheerfully. "He's from Pantala and is looking for other dragons. I thought you'd like to meet him."

Dreamcatcher nodded slowly, her gaze never leaving Dragonfly. "Interesting. We don't get many visitors from Pantala. Please, come in, and tell me what brings you here."

Dragonfly entered the cave, feeling a mix of curiosity and caution. Meeting a NightWing was an unexpected turn in his journey, and he knew he needed to choose his words carefully. There was much to discuss, and he sensed that Dreamcatcher had her own secrets to share.

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