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Freya's POV

I waited impatiently outside for my brother and sister to return. When I had finally been reunited with my other siblings all those years ago, it was one of the best feelings in the world. I felt more whole, like I had found other parts of myself. However, there was still this small piece of me missing, due to the fact that neither Henrik or Alexandra were around anymore.

Yesterday, when I found out that my baby sister was still alive.. well, I felt like crying. I stayed calm and collected in front of everyone else, but as soon as I was alone, I broke down in tears. Tears of happiness of course.

I may not have spent much time around her when we were kids, but she's just the type of person that you love instantly. It's almost impossible to hate her. She was always so cheery and kind when she was younger, not to mention protective.

When she accessed that memory of me, she unknowingly shared other memories with me. Memories of her most recent childhood, after waking up from mothers spell. I flashes of the young girl growing up, and I was in awe.

She was a shy but kind and caring child, always looking out for those she cared about. She was definitely smart, and she was pretty much exactly as I remember her, only more grown up. I couldn't be prouder.

I can't wait to get to know her more. I already know Rebekah still absolutely adores her. I reckon that soon enough, the three of us will develop a certain bond. One only found between sisters, unique only to us. I know all of my siblings were beyond happy when we first saw her again. They were speechless. They're never speechless.


My head jerks up when I hear two familiar voices coming closer. I suddenly see my younger brother and baby sister walking side by side, talking happily, heading towards the house. Alexandra looks up after a moment, and our eyes meet. I feel a huge smile making its way onto my face, unable to control it.

As soon as she sees me, Alexandra shouts, "Freya!" running towards me.

She throws herself into my arms, and we hold each other close. I'm still afraid that if I let go she'll disappear again. I sense Nik coming to a stop beside us, so I pull away.

"Hello Alexia," I greet her, the smile still present on my face.

"Hey Freya," she grins back.

"Sister," Nik nods at me.

"Hello Nik," I nod back, still smiling.

I extend my hand for my little sister to take, slowly backing away to head into the house. "Coming?" I ask her.

She nods eagerly, earning a chuckle from both me and Nik, and grabs my hand.

Nik seems to drift away from us once we're inside, giving us time alone together. I think he knows how much we all want to spend some alone time with her, and is happy to give us that, as he's been alone with her for almost a month now.

The two of us walk up the stairs, head down the corridor, and turn into the bedroom that I stayed in last night.

Alexia flops onto the bed, laying on her back. I sit down next to her, copying her actions.

"You ready to start learning how to use magic?" I question her, a bit warily, not knowing if it was too soon, but apparently not. As soon as the word 'magic' leaves my mouth, she's sat up, paying full attention.

I laugh. "Someone's eager."

She nods her head enthusiastically and replies, "I definitely am. I can't wait to be able to use magic properly. It was the best feeling in the world when I turned for the first time and learned to control it. I'm getting the impression it's gonna be the same when I learn how to control my magic."

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