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The next day

"Hey Nik!" Alexandra exclaimed, a happy smile making its way onto her face as she spotted her brother coming closer.

"Hey Lex," he replied, holding out his arms for her to walk into.

"Come on, get moving, the train's here," the younger Mikaelson stated, grabbing the hybrids arm, pulling him along.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming. Calm down, little sister," he chuckled, amused by her excitement.

The two sat down at their usual table seat, making themselves comfortable. To Alexandra, it felt a little empty, now that the others weren't there with them. She'd gotten used to all of them being there, and the feeling of it just being her and Nik again was now a strange feeling.

"So, Little Wolf."

"Yes Nik?" she replied, her tone light and airy.

"Today's going to be a little different than normal-"

"Really? You know, I hadn't gathered that when you told me to meet you an hour earlier than normal," Alexandra interrupted, her tone laced with sarcasm. She grinned up at Nik to show him she was only joking.

"Alright Miss Sarcasm," Nik laughed, rolling his eyes at his little sister.

"Go on then, what's going to be happening today?" Her voice had lost its humour, now fully curious.

"Well, we've all got something to be doing today, something important. So to make sure that you still get to see us all, we've come up with an idea of sorts," he began explaining, watching her for a reaction.

"And what's that idea?" Alexandra asks, still wondering what on earth was going on.

"Well, we're going to hang out with you in one hour blocks."

"One hour blocks?"

"Yes. We're each going to spend an hour with you, but we're all going to come back and take you out for lunch."

"Sounds fair enough. Am I allowed to know what's going on? As in what you're all gonna be doing?" Lex asked.

"I can't tell you just yet, but you'll find out soon enough," Nik answered cryptically.


Alexandra was slightly confused about her brothers weirdness, but decided not to question it. If he was going to tell her later anyway, there was no point in driving herself crazy over trying to figure it out.

"Lex? Snap out of it, we're here," she heard her brother say as he waved a hand in front of her face. It seemed as though she'd spaced out and was lost in her own thoughts again.

The two walked to the Mikaelson house, starting up a conversation about her werewolf training was coming.

"You're getting better."

"Really? Didn't seem like it last time," Lex joked, laughing as she remembered how many times she'd fallen.

"That's only because you were fighting against me. If you were against a normal werewolf, you'd probably beat them," Nik told her truthfully, earning a smile beaming in his direction.

"Really? That's alright then. Guess I'll just have to keep practicing if I want to end up beating you," she replied, grinning at his eye roll.

"Sure. You'll be practicing for a long time."

"Whatever you say, old man," Alexandra teased, bursting into a fit of laughter upon seeing Nik's glare.

Seeing the house in view, she took of sprinting, throwing open the front door as she tried to outrun her brother.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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