Doug and Evie

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I knock on one of my best friends door and Ben calls out a quick 'Come in'.

I open the door and walk in, finding him engrossed in work on his computer.

"Hey Doug, what's up?" He asks, looking up and giving me a smile.

"I need some advice, it's about Evie." I start and he smirks leaning back and crossing his arms, "I just don't know what to do. I'm at a loss man. She's constantly got an attitude with everyone, her grades are dropping, bad, and to top it off I found her smoking weed." I rant and his eyes go wide,

"She was smoking weed?" Ben asks astonished, knowing our girlfriends are best friends I see him wondering if Mal has as well.

"Was Mal with her?" He asks, sitting up.

"No, but I found out she got the weed from Mal. So I'm sure your girls getting high too." I shrug, "Breaking up with her is out of the question and it's not like I can tell her Mom. Going to teachers would probably get her sent to the isle."

"Spank her."

"Come again?" I question and he chuckles.

"Mal knows if I need to, she will get her ass torn up. I haven't had to yet, but Audrey got it a lot while we were dating. You ever gotten one?"

"Well yeah but, I love her too much," I trail off and he rolls his eyes.

"I've already made up my mind that Mal's gonna get her ass whooped for even distributing weed. You may wanna have a talk with Evie and see if it's a hard limit."

Just then, Mal walks in the room with Evie behind her.

"Ben, I need-" She stops and Evie gives me a scared look when she sees me. I'd told her to stay in her room.

"Actually Mal I need to talk to you about something." Ben says in a dark tone and I take that as my cue to leave.

I grab Evie's arm and walk out, pulling her behind me.

"What do you think you're doing?" She hisses as we make our way back to our little starter castle.

"I think I found a way to deal with your smoking issue," I announce, unlocking the front door.

"It's not a big deal." She mumbles and I close my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Not a big deal? You think smoking an illegal substance isn't a big deal."

Just spank her.
But that would hurt her.
Smoking is hurting her lungs, spanking her only hurts her butt.
But that's inappropriate

I'm taken out of my mental war when I see my girlfriend hitting a vape.

"Have you lost your flipping mind?!"

I snatch the vape out her hand and toss it in the trash, instantly making my mind up.

"You're getting spanked." I announce bluntly

"What?!" She screeches and I see terror cross her face.

"I won't let you! I won't let you hit me!"

It dawns on me that she's from the Isle and I take her hands in mine.

"Babe, what is a spanking in your head?" I ask softly as tears cloud her eyes.

"Jays Dad once said I'd caught an attitude with him and stolen his stuff, so he said he was gonna spank me and he pinned me down then took his belt and whipped my back until it bruised."

"Baby, baby no." I assure her, wiping the tears from under her eyes, "A spanking will never bruise you, and it's only your butt and the tops of your thighs,"

"You're not hitting me with a belt!" She screams and I pull her in closer to me.

"Now that I know you're traumatized by it, I won't ever. And I was planning on just using my hand." I explain calmly and she shakes her head.

"You're not doing it. No." She warns in a dangerous tone and I chuckle.

"Wanna bet?"

"Yup. $5" she snorts and I grab her bicep pulling her to our bedroom, closing and locking the door.

I sit on the bed and pull her over my lap, locking her legs between mine.

"Don't fight me, don't reach back, don't try to get up, and don't try to hit me." I warn as she tries to pull herself off my lap.

"Not funny, let me up!" She screeches as I flip her dress up, leaning her in her short shorts, exposing the tops of her thighs.

I take a deep breath and start slapping all over her backside in a quick succession. She tries to fight against me but I just lock her legs tighter and hold her tighter against my waist.

"Stop fighting or I'm going for your thighs." I try, knowing this is the last thing I want to be doing.

"Doug this hurts, stop!" She cries, still trying to fight me.

"It's meant to. You ever touch weed again and this will feel like nothing, got me?" I scold and she nods, throwing her hands back to stop me.

I catch them and pin them to the small of her back, starting to focus on her visible thighs.

They turn red fairly quick so I go back to her backside, determined to drive this lesson home.

"Drugs can kill you. They alter your mind and can make you kill yourself. I've never heard of weed doing that but weed is a gateway drug." I keep on and that's when she starts sobbing, like full on balling her eyes out.

It breaks my heart and I still my hand, bringing her up and setting her on my lap.

"I love you too much to let you go down that path." I whisper, brushing some of the tears off her cheek.

I'm expecting her to move and tell me she's done, we're done, and that she never wants to see me again. But instead, she leans into my hold and hides her face into my chest.

I sigh in relief and run my fingers through her hair, using my other hand to hold her and rub small circles into her knee with my thumb.

"Hear me Evie? I love you; I absolutely hated doing that, but I will if you give me a reason to."

She nods and I hear her trying to stop her sobbing.

"I'm so sorry." She cries and I shake my head.

"None of that, you're forgiven. We're good." I assure her, swaying back and forth.

"Is Mal getting it too?" She asks after a bit and I shrug.

"I don't know."

Truth is, I do know. Plus knowing Ben I can honestly say she more than likely got it a lot worse.  But it's not my secret to share, nor is it my place to tell if it wasn't a secret.

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