her name's isa i think

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when she told me she was at malachis i immediately made dylan drive us to the store and grab a cake and some frosting. i wrote "he was a dick anyways" on the cake to congratulate cassie for not being with jaden anymore. he treated her like shit and both me and dylan have been waiting for this to happen.

i walked into malachis house and walked into his room TO HIM AND CASSIE CUDDLING?!?!

"dylan stop rn this is so cute." i said while pulling out my phone to take a picture.

"gross malachis my friend." dylan replied with a disgusted look on his face.

"stfu" i said

i jumped on malachi's bed screaming "YES YES YES" until they woke up



ariana and dylan arrived at malachis house. idk how the fuck they got in but they're here. me and malachi got up and i started explaining what had happened.


".....OH YEAH and then when i was walking out with malachi I SAW JADEN MAKING OUT WITH THIS BLONDE GIRL, and her ass was fat as hell" i said, not even processing what i was saying

the thing about me is i don't think before i speak. i js speak.

"wait the same blonde bitch from new york??" ariana blurted

"HOLY SHIT NOW THAT U MENTION IT THAT WAS HER" i said with an 'i cracked the code' look on my face "her names isa i think"

everyone started defending me and showering me with 'it's okay cassie' 'he's a piece of shit' blah blah blah. now i felt it kicking in. i haven't had a chance to actually think about what i saw but now that i am, i'm really fucking sad.

"okay imma go to the bathroom guys BRB!!" i said trying to hide my sadness as i got up and left the room.


(malachi, ariana, and dylan)


it was cassie's phone. i grabbed it and saw that jaden was texting her. i unlocked her phone to see what he was saying.
text messages: jaden

bro cassie are u okay??
what happened
fine don't fucking answer
the typa shit you do when i'm just tryna help you
ur a bitch u always pull this lame shit

jaden i was asleep im sorry
yeah i'm okay by the way
can i call you soon please?

nah i don't give a fuck if ur okay. why are people telling me you left with malachi?
bro why are u so clingy all the time i don't wanna have to fucking be on the phone with you all the time like im not ur fuckin babysitter

okay im sorry
malachi was just there to help me because i didn't know where you were

quit givin me this bullshit
bye ion wanna talk to you

jaden i'm sorry i really don't know what i did
can u come back so we can talk?



"are you fucking kidding me" i said in disbelief as i read through their messages.

"what is it?" dylan asked, looking at me

i gave the phone to dylan and malachi and watched their upset reactions as they scrolled through the messages.

"bro what the fuck is wrong with him" malachi said clearly pissed "acting like he didn't cheat on her last night"

"i fucking know. malachi you don't understand it genuinely makes me so mad that she lets him treat her like that and still fucking chooses to stay with him" dylan blurted

"why does she stay with him?" malachi why questioned

"i mean she loves him i guess. she's only ever dated him so this is what she thinks love feels like." i explained

we talked about the situation a bit more until malachi said he was gonna go check up on her.


fuck bro. cassie don't u dare cry. it's okay it's okay it's okay...... aaaand i'm crying.

*knock knock*

"hey cass, can i come in?"

it was malachi.

"uhhh not rn i'm not done!!" i replied, trying to sound normal

"cassie it's okay. i know what's going on just let me in and we can talk about it. please." he insisted

i hate expressing my feelings. i always thought that it was embarrassing and useless since if we're being honest, no one really truly gives a fuck. for some reason i wanted to open up to malachi. i felt like attached to him in a way. what is it like soul ties?? i don't even know but something inside me just wanted to open that door and let him in.

i wiped my tears, bit my tongue to avoid crying more, and took deep breathes to hopefully seem fine when i opened the door. i mean i had to come out eventually.

as soon as i opened the door and saw malachi there, i broke down and bursted out in tears. he immediately hugged me and held me as i cried.

"i just don't understand, i don't know what i did to him" i said while sobbing "he was so perfect in the beginning. i know he loves me, maybe he just has a harder time showing it"

"i know cassie. you didn't do anything, some people are just shitty. it's okay. it's not your fault." malachi told me as he held my head close to him.

he stroked my head and kissed it as i cried close to him. this is the first feeling of real comfort i've felt from anyone other than ari and dylan. jaden never cared or held me this way. maybe with malachi here i can finally grow some balls and finally let jaden go.

"malachi don't EVER bring this up again, this is embarrassing." i said wiping my tears and looking up at him


as long as your next to me - malachi barton Where stories live. Discover now