girl kill him

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*a couple days later*

text messages: FREYA❤️

hey cass
milo wanted me to tell you were all gonna go hangout at his tonight

ahh okay!!
do u wanna hangout before??

DUH!! im with julian rn can we just come to your place?

yeah ofc
and hurry up

we're gonna grab food and then we'll be right over
do u want anything from chick fil a

no thank u i just ate

okok i'll cya soon


i decided to facetime malachi to ask if he wanted to hangout with all of us today.

"HEY CASS" he said as he answered and propped his phone up on his desk so i could see him

"hi malachi do u wanna hangout with me freya and julian today?" i asked

"ohh i can't i was just about to text you, my old friends texted me and asked if i wanted to hangout. i haven't seen them in awhile." he answered

"oh, who?" i asked

"scarlett, ryah, and stone" malachi replied

i know about stone but who's scarlett? and who's ryah? he's hanging out with 2 girls that i don't even know. omfg shut up they're just his friends, let him breathe.

"oh okay, that's fine, have fun malachi" i said

"yeah you too. i'll see u at milo's tonight?" he said

"yeah- yeah i'll see you" i replied "bye, i love you"

"alright bye love u too" he said before hanging up

who are these girls? and he normally says 'I love you' not just 'love you'. im js being overdramatic, he's never given me a reason not to trust him and he told me exactly who he was gonna be with so there's no reason to worry.

i still had a weird feeling in my stomach tho.

welp, malachi told me their names time to stalk their socials! i went through malachis insta following and searched up scarlett first.

she's beautiful. perfect body, perfect face, the prettiest eyes and hair. what if malachi thinks the same and leaves me for her? or cheats on me and i never find out? no he wouldn't do that... but what if he does?

one thing i noticed was that malachi has liked almost all of her posts. i scrolled a little bit farther and saw her homecoming post.

she went to homecoming with malachi? did they used to be a thing? what the fuck why would he not tell me that part

i then decided to stalk ryah and like scarlett, she was absolutely perfect. her body and face were insane, i wish i looked like her. maybe i shouldn't have stalked them because now i'm worried, they were a lot prettier than me in my opinion and i js don't know how i feel about malachi hanging out with them without me there. i wasn't gonna say anything though because he's not doing anything wrong plus i didn't wanna annoy him or make him mad. i wasn't going to ruin his day and inconvenience him just because i was insecure.

as long as your next to me - malachi barton Where stories live. Discover now