last hangout🥹🥹

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*maybe 2 months later?*

me and ariana were woken up by the sound of mk, freya, malachi, dylan, mason, and javon barging into my room. it's been a few months since the talk me and ariana had and i've gotten better at spending time with all of my closer friends.

"bro are u fucking kidding me" i said putting my hands over my face

"MOM, DAD YOU HAVE TO STOP LETTING THEM IN" i screamed so my parents could hear me from downstairs

"THEYRE ALWAYS WELCOME HONEY" my dad screamed back, causing everyone to laugh and me to roll my eyes

"nice to see you too" malachi said while walking up to me and kissing me

"we wanted to hangout with you today, since we're not gonna see you for months" javon said

"ugh where's jaden, i like him more than you" i joked

"idk, probably picking his asscrack rn" javon joked back resulting in the group to start laughing

"is ariana still asleep?" mason said while looking over at her and laughing

"dude yk cassie and ariana once slept through an earthquake, like lowkey a big one too" mk said

"oh my god yeah, we called them and were talking about it and they were all like 'what? what earthquake?'" freya said laughing and mimicking me and ariana, causing the whole group to laugh

"yeah. they're not the brightest tools in the shed." dylan added, causing cassie to glare at him

"okay get up now because this is like the last time we're gonna get to hangout with eachother for a long time" malachi said while getting up from his seat on the bed next to me.

malachi mk and freya had to go to new zealand in about 2 months, but in those 2 months i'm gonna be really busy going to new york, seattle, and houston for 3/4 of my final tour locations. by the time i'm done with those, they're already gonna be leaving for new zealand. i'm really nervous because normally malachi tries his best to come with me during tour and i'm kinda scared to be away from him for too long, but i think i'll be fine, i have ariana.

"yeah okok" ariana said still half sleeping

"it's okay girl i got this" dylan joked in a zesty voice while strutting over to the bed

he then proceeded to drag the girls off of the bed one by one.


"DYLAN GET UR ASS OVER HERE" ariana said as she got up, sprinting towards dylan

"OH SHIT" dylan screamed, opening the door and running outside, ariana chasing him not far behind

we heard them running and then a big crash. everyone in the room listening closely and looked at eachother when the sound happened.

"oh dylan she got you good" they could hear cassie and dylan's dad say from downstairs while laughing.

"OW YOU PIG" we heard dylan scream from downstairs

"ARE U CALLING ME FAT" ariana screamed while what sounded like her hitting dylan with pillows could also be heard from upstairs

"YES. THATS EXACTLY WHAT IM SAYING" dylan screamed back

"um freya connect to my speaker please... i don't want you guys hearing the words that are about to come out of ariana's mouth..." i said

as long as your next to me - malachi barton Where stories live. Discover now