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Camille wakes up out of her sleep to a man standing in her room.

She jumps back and stared the stranger down.

"You don't have to be afraid-"


I jumped out of my sleep. Looking around my room, I seen no one there.

Ever since we moved into this house, I've been having crazy ass dreams.

Brushing it off, I get up and get ready for school.

"Damn she still isn't back" I said as I didn't smell the normal breakfast being cooked from down stairs.

Walking into my lab class, I was ambushed my Kadence.

"Oh my god you're okay?!" She hugged me tight. I hugged her back even though I didn't know what she was talking about.
It just felt good to feel affection.

"Why did you come to school yesterday?" She asks as we walked to our lab. "I got caught up with a friend" I answered taking a seat next to mason.

"What friend?" Kadence asks offensively.
"Kadence give her a break." Mason speaks up.

This was the first time he's ever been semi nice to me.

"India?" Kadence continues to question.
"How did you know?"

"I didn't actually. It's just- never mind" she gathered her things before storming out of the class.

"She's just dramatic" Jared confirms, grabbing his things and following after her.

I guess they are kind of a thing. I never see them apart. Jared is always right next to Kadence.

"She doesn't make a lot of friends so I apologize for how my sister is behaving" mason gives me his full attention.

"It's fine at least i know she actually cares about our friendship" I joke and Mason smiles.

"What did she say after that?" India asks as she drove me home.
I was telling her about what happened with Kadence at school today.

"Nothing she just left"

I probably should've just kept it to myself but it wasn't anything too bad.
I'm just trying to understand why they don't like each other.

Pulling up to my house, I seen a line of police cars.
"What's going on?" I ask myself as I jumped out of the car.

Seeing my dad, he looked distraught and confused.
I've never seen him like this. He usually always has things figured out.

"Dad?" I questioned going up to him. He pulls me into a hug.

"Maya is missing. They found some of her dna in the woods but -" he begins to break down.

I just continued to hug him. Yea my dad doesn't know how to communicate but he's still human.
And I know he loves maya.

"I'll have everybody on standby. If you need anything just come up to the station" a police officer pats my dad's back.

"Thanks. Uh this is my daughter Camille" my dad introduces me.

"Officer RJ-"
"Manning" we both say at the same time.

We shook hands. Then I noticed him staring behind me.

He was looking at India.
I didn't even know she was still here.

I was getting ready for bed and decided to go say goodnight to my dad.

He sat on the couch drinking vodka from the bottle.
"Goodnight dad" I spoke from the stairs.

He motioned for me to come to him.

Taking a seat next to him, we both sat in silence.

"If something is going on or if you're not okay mentally, then you can let me know. Don't just up and disappear Or ..." he stops talking to run his face.

Deciding not to say nun I let him finish.

"Your mom was the sweetest person ever and I didn't pay enough attention to how she truly felt. That's why with maya I'm trying to do things differently. But..."

"It's fine dad. You don't have to explain yourself. Just get some sleep okay" I kiss his forehead and grab the vodka bottle.
"No more binge drinking" I say taking the bottle to the kitchen.

After mom died I watched my dad lose himself. And I refuse to watch him do it again.

UNTIL THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now