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Camille hasn't been answering any of my calls and I know she needs a ride to school.
Pulling up to her house, I get out and began knocking on the door.

Nobody answered. Before I could knock again the door swung open.

But it was her dad. "Sorry Mr. Rogers is Camille here. I'm supposed to take her to school"

"She rode with her boyfriend this morning"

"She doesn't have a boyfriend" I say confidently.

"Yea she dates the chiefs kid"

I began to get mad. I told her to stay away from them.
"Oh she must've forgot to tell me. Thanks though" I politely say before walking back to my car.


School seemed different today.
Mason and I walked hand in hand as I got mean mugged by all the girls in the hallway.

"Ignore them. Every girl here has shot their shot at Mason and none of them succeeded. They're just jealous" Kadence says as she meets up with us in the hallway.

"Your hair looks nice" Jared compliments me.

That was the first. He's never even said more than one word to me.

"Thanks" I smile running my hand across my slick back bun.

School was over and we were all walking out of the double doors.

I then noticed India standing outside of her car with her arms crossed.

"India" I say confused.
"We need to talk"

Here we go.
"Ima go with her" I look up to Mason as he never took his eyes off of India.

He then grabs me by my neck and tongue kisses me in front of everyone.
"Call me when you get home" he speaks, looking me in my eyes.

Then he walks off with Kadence and Jared.

"So you're dating him now? He's a fucking monster" India says as she drove me home.

This had become a cycle with her. Every time I do something she doesn't like, she lectures me.

I'd rather her be my friend then try to be my mom.

"You don't know them-"
"No you don't know them" India cuts me off.

"Stop the car. You're not going to treat me like your child. Stop the damn car" I began to raise my voice.

Which only made things worse because she started to yell back.

"You're mad that I'm the only one who will tell you the truth!"

"Sounds like jealousy to me" I remark.

"Jealous of what? They're not even alive Camille. You're in love with a dead man. Litera-"

Before she could continue, she loses control of the car.

It seems like everything is moving in slow motion.
Before I knew it, we were upside down.

Looking over I seen, maya with her eyes closed. I kept snapping in and out of it. When I looked again she was gone.

Trying to stay conscious, I started to see Mason. But I could be dreaming.
Or just seeing things.

He yanked the door off the car and pulled my body out.

Opening my eyes, I realized I was in the hospital.

My head hurts so bad right now.

"You okay?" Mason asked as he softly rubbed my head.
I just shake my head no.

The door swings open and in walked my dad.
"You can't scare me like that Camille" he walks up to me and grabs my hand.

"Where's India?"

"No!No more India. She left you for dead. Luckily mason drove by because he's the reason you're still here" my dad says.

India left me?
Looking at Mason, he just puts his head down.

UNTIL THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now