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Camille runs through the woods.
She keeps looking behind her trying to see what's chasing her.

What ever is chasing her isn't on the ground though. She can see the figure swinging from tree to tree. Which is freaking her out even more.

Just then the person lands in front me of her, staring her eye to eye.

It was maya.


I hopped out of my sleep.

I'm getting tired of these dreams.
Honestly, I didn't even feel like going to school but it's Friday so why not.

"Okay dad I'm leaving" I say walking down the stairs not noticing that he was sleep on the couch.

I simply walked out the door and locked it.

Getting in the car, India looks at me.
"Where have you been?" She asks.

"Here" I say with a chuckle.
"You guys had visitors yesterday?"

"Girl" I sternly said.

"My bad, something is just off" she began driving.

The whole car ride was silent.
Like she was thinking about something.


It was lunch time and I normally don't eat the food they have here. But I've barely eaten the last two days since maya has been gone.

Not playing attention, I tripped a little over someone's backpack.

"Pay attention" mason says catching me so I didn't embarrass myself.

What? Pay attention?
I just side eye him before going to my lunch table.

"I didn't mean it" he says sitting next to me.

Him being mean was kind of cute to me. Only because I can tell he's truly an asshole.
Not for fake.

"Have you thought about prom?"

Prommmmm? Is he finna ask me?

"Maybe a little" I shrug.
"Let's go together?"

"I mean...I don't know what to say, this is all so unexpected-"
"Shut up, yes or no" he asks clearly over my shenanigans.

"Yes, only if you stop with the dickhead act" I took a bite of salad off my fork.

"Did she say yes?" Kadence and jared appeared into the cafeteria.

"Kadence" mason shyly looked away.
"I feel like we all should match" Kadence suggests as her and Jared takes a seat at the lunch table.

Mason has been on my coat tail every since I said yes to him.
After every class, he takes me to the next.

I like it though.

UNTIL THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now