Chapter 12: Quincy, Perrie, and Clervie

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Third Person POV: Quincy

After the disaster of a meeting with his sister, Furina and Arlecchino agreed that they would hold a meeting later on when everything had settled down. Neuvillette also liked this suggestion, but stated he would not be attending. After making sure his sister was okay to walk home, Quincy's mind began to wander. The Director, their Mother, was alive. She had somehow escaped being killed that day. He couldn't help but think that his childhood had been taken from him by that woman. And she had stolen the lives of so many children. Like Clervie.

Childhood: A Happy House

Quincy had first met Clervie when he was six. Arlecchino, better known as Peruere back then, was burying her pet spider outside. They were missing a story Crucabena was telling the other children, but they didn't really care. The sound of a tray was what prompted Quincy to look up. There was a pink-haired girl with kind green eyes that reminded him of jade. Crucabena's biological daughter, Clervie. She was munching on something and rapidly trying to swallow so she could speak to the twins.

"You have cake." Quincy was the first to speak. His voice was quiet and his eyes were staring straight at the pink-haired girl.

"You...You want some?" Clervie asked curiously.

"Sure." Peruere responded, taking her cake and placing it in front of the spider's grave. Quincy took his and gave it to his sister who ate it in one bite. The trio waited in silence for a moment before Peruere spoke up. "You must know spiders don't eat cake."

"Oh, yeah I know!" Clervie exclaimed. She grabbed Peruere's sleeve and brought the girl to her feet before doing the same to Quincy. She dragged them both inside by the sleeves of their shirts and didn't let go until they had reached the kitchen. On the counter was a massive chocolate cake.

"Control yourself, Per." Quincy warned his sister, but he was too late as both Clervie and his sister had chocolate all over their mouths. "You guys have no self-control."

"You just need to have fun, Quin!" Clervie responded with a smile. Perurere gave a tiny grin before resuming her expressionless look.

"Yeah, Quince." His sister teased, sticking her tongue out at him.

Later on that day, the trio went back outside to pick some bulle fruit. Peruere had grabbed some on her own and was waiting for Clervie. Her brother had helped Clervie get up the tree and was waiting for her to come down.

"I'm going to jump!" Clervie exclaimed, looking down at the twins. Peruere looked a tiny bit worried while Quincy was panicking.

"No! No jumping! I'll just climb up and carry you down with me!" Quincy protested. But despite this, the pink-haired girl jumped off the branch and landed on top of Quincy.

"Ah! I'm so sorry! I thought you were going to catch me!" Clervie apologized, worried that she had severely injured her friend.

"He deserved it." Peruere hummed, with an amused look on her face.

"I did not!" Quincy got up, ignoring the blood running down his face.

"Oh no, you're bleeding!" Clervie yelled, trying to find something to stop it. She ended up thinking that her hand could stop his nose from bleeding more and accidently smacked him in the face instead.

And before dinner, the trio went to catch fish in a nearby river. Some kids had sticks while some used their hands. Peruere had already caught a few and was showing Clervie how to catch them.

"It's like this." Peruere said, showing her friend how to catch the fish with her hands.

"Wow! You're so cool!" Clervie gasped, impressed. "How many fish do you have, Quin?" She turned her attention to Peruere's younger brother to find him near the annoying blonde-haired girl. She was more commonly known as the snitch kid among the twins. The two watched as Quincy pounced on the snitch kid and tried some sad pathetic attempt at drowning her.

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