Chapter 13: Quincy's Promise

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This is the last of the backstory chapters. Chapter 14 will pick up from the present.

Teenage Years: Rebellion

After the last escape attempt, the trio trained harder than ever before in order to stand on top amongst their peers. The competition for "King" of the House had begun. Many of their siblings had fallen by their hands, enough to the point where Clervie had received a Hydro Vision. The only ones left was the trio. 

Clervie: daughter of Crucabena. A girl who uses her wit and charm to catch her opponents off guard.

Peruere: the favored one. A girl who's ruthlessness in battle ensures no one will defeat her.

Quincy: the strategist. A boy whose speed and quick-thinking keeps his opponents guessing. 

The ultimate tag-team. All that was left was to take the fight to Crucabena. The plan was to have the twins kill her and Clervie would wait for them at the House before the three of them left Fontaine for good. That was the plan anyway.

Instead, Clervie had decided to fight against the twins and thrust herself through Peruere's blade. Peruere could barely breathe, let alone think. Clervie gave up fighting on purpose. She had wanted to die. Quincy was nearby with his cicin companions flying about, allowing him to view the situation. 

"Clervie..." Peruere called out in shock. She hadn't planned on killing her best friend. They weren't even supposed to fight each other. But Clervie had taken matters into her own hands, throwing herself onto Peruere's blade.

"Clervie!" Quincy shouted, getting closer as the pink-haired girl leaned forward so her head could rest on Peruere's shoulder. 

"You will be...great "Kings." I'm sorry, Perrie." Clervie let out a shaky breath as her body began to give up on her. She gave them one last smile as she said, "Thank you both." Then, her body hit the ground with a thud. Clervie was gone. Peruere let her sword fall with her sister and all she could do was stand in place while Quincy cradled Clervie's lifeless body in his arms. Peruere didn't even wipe the blood off her face as she stood still, her brain scrambling to catch up to the events that occurred moments prior. 

"Clervie!" Quincy cried out, desperately wishing that the girl had fallen unconscious and was still alive. "Clervie, wake up!" He ran a hand over the sword wound, realizing it was too severe to heal. "Clervie!"

"Quincy..." Peruere mumbled, resisting the urge to cry and scream about the unfairness of the world. In truth, it wasn't fair. Nothing was. Clervie had brought a new life to the twins, and now it was snuffed out. While the twins dealt with their emotions, it began to rain. And not just rain, but pour. Looking back down, her brother was shaking Clervie's shoulder, still yelling nonsense to someone who had already passed. 

"Clervie! You promised! You promised to see the lights with us! Come back!" Quincy shouted, but to no avail.

"Quincy, she's gone!" His sister snapped, her voice barely able to hold back a sob. "Clervie's gone!"

"I know!" He snarled back, glaring at her. She could see the desperation in his eyes. The grief in his heart was showing all over his face. "I know that, damn it!" He shouted again, this time with a strike of lightning behind him, illuminating his features more. "But...But Clervie was supposed to survive..."

"She wanted to die, Quincy. This is the only way she will ever be free from the rules of the House." Peruere reminded him. "We have to respect her choice."

"I know." With that grumble, Quincy gently placed Clervie's body on the ground. His hands were covered in her blood, and it would never wash away. "Rest in peace, Clervie."

EccedentesiastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora