Episode 6

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After a long good night, I was getting pissed and just before I even woke up I moved my head twice and feeling like I just wanted to vomit but I tried to stand a bit up..

I was trying to look for my phone with my eyes closed but by touching the surface around me, I felt something smooth and silky and then randomly I thought I touched someone's lips..

I acknowledged right away that somehow someone might be there because I tried to think like a normal human that after getting the drug pill..

On the other part I swiped my hand down.. I knew what I was doing while feeling this round thing onto the blanket..
Opening my eyes, I squished it and took my hand right away fast as I could because Eric scared the shit out of me and I fell down from the bed.

It was so intem, I could not handle all so I took my cigarette and smoke it while Eric woke up and saw me smoke tierdly.

He was so boring.I cannot take this  anymore and he stood up and somehow got closer to me and he asked me"Why are you smoking?"  I looked into his eyes and I thought "Why does he care?" soon as I put in my  ciggarette in my mouth,he took the cigarette and I got so mad that I tried to jump onto him to take it.

It was too tiring and I could not stop. I just wanted my cigarette back but he pushed me onto the bed, closely  looking to my eyes ,he searched my body going up and down.It made me think"What's going on,why is he always treating me like this? I'm not a toy."

Basically, he pressed onto my right leg and lift it up slowly and made me  feel  so curious about the situation.He was trying to tell me something as he was saying "I am .....", but as soon as Jack opened the door, I pushed Eric onto the left side and stood up.

Eric stood up slowly as he looked at me with those tearful eyes, but it wasn't like he would be crying but it was a bit weird. I'm not gonna lie when Jack approached us. He told Eric that he needed his help so Jack told me to change my clothes and go downstairs.

After I put my clothes on because I changed my style, I'll be honest,I looked like a whore but was fine so I went downstairs and I saw Eric with Jack,cleaning and putting clothes in a bag.I was suspicious. I thought that there's something might happen. Jack came to me and he didn't ask me about the party but he told me that he will be going tonight. He's going on a trip with his boys. I did not even know if Eric was going to be there.Jack is going for two months.

I wasn't sure that I would be alone but guess what? Jack had the audacity to say that sometimes,Eric will come to my house to check up on me if I'm alright because he believes in Eric and trusts Eric as he is the best friend of him.

I was tired and I could not give a fuck about that .
Though came into my mind that he is always treating me with something nice as in a kiss or a hug.

I was preparing my snack, I took it to my room and the day was passing by while me and my friends started chatting and everything was cool. Somehow Emma was nearby her house where there was a party and she told me that Lucas was at that party and I could not understand why is he there, I mean who doesn't know and he loves to do stuff like that so I was kind of annoyed but I could not care I mean even though if he is my boyfriend I respect him but why is he always like that? Like why does he do those things even though he is wierd for sending pictures to others..you know what I mean..


Just after some hours, I went downstairs to watch some stuff on the TV until night.
When I turned back to the other side of the kitchen, Eric scared the shit out of me.

I was so scared so I asked him "Why are you here? Why don't you go home?".

He told me that Jack left the house so he told me "I am staying here tonight with you".
I got so mad, so I told him " You're not my mum or my dad like get a life, just go home, you don't have to worry about me"

I went to the kitchen to take some fruits and just went upstairs, but I thought why isn't he going home so, I asked him again "Why are you doing this? Go home!"

He didn't respond anything and I went to him. Put fruits on the table and I took his arm but he did not move. He was trying to be like a baby, I swear.

I got fed up and I was like "If you don't wanna go home sleep here. I'm not giving you food. You shit!"
I took my fruits and I tried to leave but he put his leg onto my leg and I nearly fell down so I felt a bit embarrassed and I got really annoyed and he was just laughing.

I went to him and I grabbed his cheeks because I was so mad at him and I went up to his nose and I was like "You asshole" but our eyes were like connecting but like he would look up and down to my eyes,to my lips and my nose and then up and down, up and down.
he acted like a freak as if he's the one to feel nervous and horny around me because that's how I felt at the moment.

I thought he played me all this time, but what he did was take me by my waist and kiss me onto the couch for no reason. Kiss me like all over my face and then my lips and slowly going down, my body was so so relaxing but I could not understand what is going on but then he stopped and hugged me tightly and I thought a lot and I asked him "What are you doing this again? stop treating me like I'm a toy to you. I don't get you. You're really weird like I'm being honest. Get a life ,get a girlfriend not me. I have a fucking boyfriend, you arsehole."

He did not respond, but I tried to stand up and leave him, but he did not let me leave. Just wanted to sleep so I had to go with that.
But just in time I stood up but he sat me onto his lap and he did not want to let me go which was the most cringest thing ever but when he gave me this cute like a puppy look onto my face, he was mumbling. He was trying to say something but I could not understand anything and I felt fingertips touching my waist from the back just slowly,slowly going down onto my hips,feeling my everything, feeling my legs and then going up again but he placed its fingers shortly under my shorts going down my butt while getting through my underwear though with his right hand pulled me thighter onto him,feeling his penis standing up made me feel hotter and my body wasn't responding..Why? I was blind by his touches..by his affection towards me and when I touched my heart, I realised ,it  was beating on,like continuously .
It was unbelievable. I never felt like that before. Though it felt different , he was getting red like a tomato ,I felt so bad for him. But the way he was breathing...oh my god..He was hot. He made me feel a bit horny. I thought.🙇🏻‍♂️
I started laughing at him.

Anastasia-just please tell me! what's going on ? Why are you acting like this? We always are good but then bad and then good and then bad like I am freaked out even though you make me feel weird.

He gave me this look as if I'm the tallest and made me think that something is going to happen. I just didn't want to happen so as he opened his mouth, he told me "I am in love with you."

I didn't know what to do, so I knew that this is going to be a long night.

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