Episode 2

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In the next few days the school started because the summer was already ending. I've been with  Alessia and Emma to shopping. We've been buying stuff for the new year for school.
Somehow, I will have my two last years and will get to University.
Maybe move out and have a bit of beautiful life you know get an apartment, get a pet like just live the best life ,I guess .

Lately, I sleep a lot so this time I woke up so early because I had to get ready for school and get my breakfast in.

Obviously, I'm getting dressed and getting my make up done. Though in the same time I got a message from Emma and told me that somehow Eric is going to be in my English class.I didn't get surprised or had any emotion about it, but I got confused for no reason.

So I called her(Emma) and I was talking to her about what she told me. She explained to me that there has been a fight lately somewhere around the school area and I was not ready to hear .
Emma told me that Jack had a fight with Eric for some couple reasons about me.
But that was rediculous.

Just as I got ready,I went school to have my lessons (theatre and maths and art too) and be focused on my work,thought I did not really want to do that.
The day was going well even I got tired after all.
I was walking to the lockers where I had to put my books and it was a bit boring because I did not have any other classes so I could go home.
But somehow I saw Eric walking by but I could not even say "Hi!" because he looked so mad,I guessed.

It was a bit rough to the point where he found his locker though it was far than mine.I wanted to talk to him,I wasn't worried but I felt this weird gut in me .
Randomly,one of my colleagues came to me,his name is Leon and many girls are in love with him just because he is taller and beautiful.I never expected him to come to me and talk to me.

Leon-Hey,you free tomorrow night ?
Anastasia-Wait what ?
Leon-There is gonna be a party so I thought if you'd like to come ?Your friends can come too.
Anastasia-I hope I can come.Where is it going to be ?
Leon-I can come to you and take you,if you'd like.
Leon-Than thats cool.See ya.

He was so nice , but it was a bit weird like never happened to me though this is the first time when  a guy was so nice to me like it never happend with me being single from before so I was just surprised and I was like feeling fine by then.

So I returned to my class and sat.I looked theough the papers and realised the teacher wasn't there but I sighted,somehow I felt a bit bored,no excitment.
And by then,others came and as I finished,I went to look for the teacher that was speaking today with Jack and Eric.
While I went to his class,I saw Eric and Jack having an argument.
I got so furious and bumped into their conversation.

Eric's face was all red and had bruses on his face just like Jack but I got so mad at both that I wanted to slap both.

Anastasia-Could yall stop fighting ?

I pushed it aside Jack because he was very nervous while Eric was trying to breathe slowly, as he got away and sat at one of the tables.

Anastasia-What's going on with you two? You should stop fighting!  What's going on  with you,Jack!I know you're doing drugs again. You don't have to lie to me because I've seen it, already. The people that were partying right the night before I came from Korea. The drugs that I found on the table that was in the living room with the new package, new cigarettes .
Jack ,what's going on? Why are you trying to attack Eric? He's your best friend or ??
Jack-Anastasia, you don't understand!Stop it!
Eric-Oh really ? why don't you tell her ?
She's your sister.
Anastasia-Eric its fine! Jack I already know you're doing drugs.

As I close my mouth the moment I saw them both not talking not even whispering or just you know acting weird but the moment was so awkward that couldn't even ask myself like what is going on and eventually the teacher came in and I talked to him about the class that I would have tomorrow about the dancing because I didn't  want to fail the class but after the whole talking about the school literature and dances,the teacher  asked me to talk to Jack and see what's going on between him and his friend Eric and see what's going to happen after because if something like that happens again I might not be able to come school just because of my brother which is stupid..

Ater the whole talk I went with Jack home and saw Eric living the school as if nothing ever happened but I did really feel sad for him and everything that happened. I did talk to Emma about this and didn't tell much because I did not want to stress her because I might've been between the whole thing but still just went home straight away.

I did have one long talk with Jack. It was a really like not an argument but just asked him to stop with the fighting ,the arguments and everything around my friends or maybe he's friends or something that can cause more trouble and that's it.

I had to take a shower and then dry my hair and then just change my clothes and get into bed because I was literally tired but then I remembered what Leon told me about the party and I was thinking so I messaged Alessia and she told me that most of the school students are actually going to come to the party and I was a bit curious about Eric so I asked her and she told me that Eric might come, but Emma and  are friends are.

I had to text Leon on Instagram so I did,
Anastasia-Hey,sorry for disturbjng??
Leon-Oh..Ana..wyd so late ?
Anastasia-Just checking my socials and just found you on Instagram
Leon-Oh cool..so you comin ?
Anastasia-Yh sure
Anastasia-See ya!
Leon-"Read message"

I was confused, but Leon actually did not respond back, but it was alright. I mean, why would I take it to to heart. Like , I don't like him.

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