Episode 3

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Since Jack was off like he could not get his shit together so I did not insist into bringing stuff to him,talking to him. He would sleep all day long into his room and he would never get out of there so the whole thing was just going to school and preparing for the dance which I had for like half of the day and then I would have English and Maths which was alright, because last year I already passed most of my exams so I'm able to do other things too, which is easier.

While doing my dances and singing along, though the teacher wasn't in because it was early and it was the first time I came to school so early and had to do the whole choreography and everything.

It was a bit tiring, but as I was dancing, I saw Liam, Eric and one of his friends Sam coming down as Liam shouted to me and when I saw them I felt a bit scared because when someone comes in without me not knowing it always puts me off and just by giving them a glance from far away I tripped down.

Sam-Oh shit!
Liam-You ok ?
Anastasia-You scared me man!Why are you here?
Liam-Came by to see you,I know you need to do the dance because I should have danced with you but I can't use my left arm and you know why.

Liam can't dance with me for the dancing concert because he got into an argument with some of the guys from the classes and eventually they got in a fight and the guy pushed Liam and fractured his left arm which was kind of sad and now I had to do alone but the teacher didn't want me to do it alone so Liam was suggesting to me that I should dance with someone and I could not have it so he suggested by saying "You should dance with Eric or Sam for practising ?"

Anastasi-Hell No!
Liam-Why not? C'mon Anastasia!This is your chance!

As Liam was walking towards me,he got so serious about the whole thing because if I dance with someone,I can help Liam with getting to the next level after he will get better with his left hand.

Anastasia-Well..idk I am confused..I don't want to waste anyones time..
Liam-You don't!Eric!C'mon help me!
Eric-No problem Liam..I can handle her

I was shocked for what Eric said.

Eric put his hand onto my waist from behind my back.
Anastasia-What are you doing ? I whispered in a quiet way.
Anastasia-Yh?I said it loud.
Liam-Did you know that in the dancing concert, you gonna have to kiss Eric and he's the one who's gonna dance with you now as he already into dancing?
Anastasia-What ?I was shocked.
Liam-Oh my God, Anastasia, are you dumb? Eric got into dancing the other day because he was talking to the teacher about what happend yesterday with your brother and the teacher proposed to ask him to be the one who could dance with you because I asked him for help and you know I have a problem with my hand so he is going to help you now.

I could not speak ,I was devastated. I could not kiss Eric. It wasn't him that I didn't want to kiss but it felt so different and by that I could not call myself the "pick me girl" it's just that I can't do it. I have someone I really love , even if it's a dancing concert or something to do with dancing and showing it to so many people.


As I was starting to say the words of the song and dancing, I saw Eric going slowly whith his hand on my waist and as we went onto making the whole dance and everything. It was going well and as soon as I just did all right, Eric took a chair and sat down and had to seat on his lap to create the emotion of closer as it is prescribed on to the choreography and make this bending onto the sides. It was hard. I went with it slowly.

I got far close to his face,his eyes were so much shaking as I felt his heart beating more than mine,it was a different type of feeling,it was like he wanted this kind of sentimental kiss as hes was grabbing my back with his big manly hands. I had to do it and the whole thing but at the end of the dance,I could not even touch his dry but soft lips as I felt a tear on my face.When I turned my face,saw Liam mad crazy.

Liam started shouting at me and said "Anastasia you're not doing it right you should have kissed Eric at that point. You're not doing it right!! Oh my days!!

My hands were shaking. I got so much shocked. I was literally exploding in myself ,in my heart and I could not even touch his face because my hands could not handle his hands and body.Though he touched my right hand but I swiped it.I felt so bad for that.

I turned back and said to him "Sorry ,I have to go."

I run onto little stairs as Liam started just speaking so much,I could not even hear like my mind was out of my brain and he was just mumbling and mumbling and I could not understand none of them words.
I nearly fell down but I just took my stuff and just left the theatre.


After the whole break time I couldn't even dare to go English class,I told Emma I could not go to the party too so I lied to my teacher that I was not feeling well and went straight way home.

I went home.
I took my clothes off. I was just watching myself onto the mirror and felt so bad. I actually left the school for not going to English but couldn't take it like I was crying in the school's bathroom which was for no reason.I was just crying like a bitch.
I could not take it so just took my pyjamas and then I was just alone,I thought, putting music,dancing and everything and my brother wasn't even in his room. I was just dancing the whole time.

After two hours of just laying in bed,sleeping,eating,not dealing with anything. I got a knock on my house's door but it was weird like no one was home because I knew that my brother wouldn't come because he is always away and when I went to open the door,it was Leon.
Anastasia-Oh..Leon?Why are you here ?
Leon-Anastasia?I thought you going to come to the party?
Anastasia-Oh..about that .Sorry,can't come!
Leon-Are you ok ?

I was a bit confused for the fact that Leon came to my house and started asking me "Why wasn't I in English class?"

He asked me if he could stay with me because he didn't really want to go to the party anymore.

We ended up eating some popcorn and watching a film. It was alright as soon as we started talking about different things and it was surprising, but at some point, Emma called me.
I put her on the speaker and she was screaming loud. Even Leon was listening to her and as she was speaking, she was saying that Eric got beaten up by some boys.Emma did not know what was about.

Leon-Oh shit
Leon-whats happening?
Anastasia-I'm guessing that someone exposed Eric because I'm might've had something with him today or I'm not sure..
Leon-What do you mean?
Anastasia-You know Liam, he can't dance with me in the dancing concert for the theatre. I don't know how it happened but the teacher asked Eric to help me with the dance and so Liam might have asked him before the teacher asked him(Eric).
Leon-Thats complicated.You okay with that ?
Anastasia-Yeah.(I am such a liar)

As we continue watching the film and just enjoying the time being,I saw my brother coming home and he did not have a problem with Leon. Leon decided to go home like it wasn't that much of a problem so he left.

Eventually,Jack was enjoying his time, but I was so mad at him that I started screaming at him.

We had a conversation more like an argument and I told him "Why do you care about what I do or who I talk to? Why do you have to put yourself into my own life". He was like "I'm trying to protect you.I'm trying to be a good brother.Can you not survive with that?" and I was like "Oh you're kidding me ? You literally beaten up your best friend because I don't know maybe is because I had to dance with him today in the theatre, or is was the teacher asking him to help me and Liam, prepare the rehearsal."

I got so mad and I could not even talk to him  anymore.
The last thing I told Jack was "You know what, I can talk to whoever I want.It could be Eric, it could be anyone,I don't care. If you can't cope with that, than i don't know why are you here.Leave me alone Jack."

He stopped speaking to me and I knew it was going to end up with so I went upstairs in my room and felt a bit of crap because everything is because of my brother and I could not deal with it so I just went to sleep straight away.

I was so mad I felt so bad for Eric. It was a bit embarrassing but I had to do something so I went onto Instagram and found his account and decided to message him and said
Anastasia-Hi. I'm really sorry for what happened. I hope you're fine.

I really felt bad,I wanted to hug him and I knew if I did something,everything is going to be on me maybe because I am not a good girlfriend or I am too picky that so many might like me  and so I might be called a slut.

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