Episode 4

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In the next few days, I could not go on to the theatre because I felt really bad. I had anxiety. I nearly had a heart attack and could not cooperate with other people so I'd always leave school just before the lesson.(the theatre)

It was a new week,new things to begin with and I could not even deal with it. I had to because I'm a normal human and I have to live with those things which sometimes is annoying so I stood up. I looked into the mirror. I sat on the little chair and brushed my hair, felt like I was isolating myself so much that I could not even understand why am I doing those things to myself which was weird or was I starting to feel something for Eric or I'm just visualising stupid things that are not even real and I'm just making this up to create attention just because I don't want to dance with him or I don't even know myself at all.

I touched my belly and thought "Why is my belly growling?" as if it was hurting inside of me but not my heart. I could not even stand up. Was I  lying to myself? Was I faking it all? Do I really really want  love and affection from someone or was I asking too much? I looked onto my phone and I saw that Eric read my message.

I never knew that he would actually see because I guess he is independent person that wouldn't or maybe introvert.

After  so much of talking and thinking. I just decided to take my clothes,go downstairs,eat my breakfast and you know,chilling for a bit and get to school early as usual .

One thing that did  came up in my mind
,it was the fact that I actually went to the theatre and saw the teacher right there talking to  Jack.
It was only Jack and the teacher.
I slowly walked to them. The teacher saw me and asked " Anastasia it's been a long time. We're have you been? What's going with the dance? Do you want to stop or are you going to pass it?"
After so much thinking and actually had to make my mind up because I didn't want to fail I said "Well guess what? I will take the dance and I will challenge myself."I sighted worring hard.

The teacher was so happy and told me that Eric it will be coming up soon so I had to get ready and he told me that I will do the lesson for half of the day and then I will get ready for English because I haven't been to school like the lesson..in like two days you might think why is Saturday but as you know, Jack did text me in the morning right before I left the house because he told me that he wanted to speak to the teacher and decided to actually confess to him and tell him the truth and he will not disappoint the teacher and his best friend Eric.

When the teacher left the theatre,Jack came to me and asked me for some time to talk before Eric comes.
Jack-Hey..Anastasia?You alright ?
Anastasia-Yeah Jack
Jack-You haven't spoken to me since Wednesday.Is there something that makes you feel bad about yourself ?
Anastasia-Look,Jack, I don't want to argue or have any type of conversation about this because yeah, I do feel a bit weird but don't worry about that. It's just that I am scared to make the next steps and you know what I mean.
Jack--Kissing Eric?
Anastasia-Stop it..
Jack-Ha ha ha..c'mon its not that bad
Anastasia-all of a sudden you start to talk to Eric.What's going on? Are you alright?
Jack-You know we have our arguments all the time ,you know..
Jack-Shut up..

In the end, we started being nice to each other and so Eric came. I was so worried about him. I'm not going to even lie about that. He was a nice person to me even though he is really close friends with Jack and I do respect him so much as if he would be my brother but I don't see that. I see him more like a person that I am close with and just by that,we started dancing.

He touches me ,so calm but slightly perfect and the way we made each step of the choreography it was amazing and the last part was unacceptable but I had to try it, so I kissed him.

When I saw the teacher coming, he was applausing us.
He said "Amazing,Anastasia.I love it.Do it like that in the day we're gonna make the dancing concert and people are going to love you!
Anastasia-Ohh..thanks..you don't have to say that🤯🙂‍↕️

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