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Later on, all the students settled into the Great Hall. The ginormous room filled with long tables, was brightly lit but still held a twinge of darkness. Chloe looked around the room as there seemed to be no empty seat for her, the room was filled with students and professors.

as more students rushed past her, a girl her age with frizzy light brown hair suddenly appeared. "hello," she almost shouted as she fully extended her hand, "you look lost." she finished as Chloe shook the girls hand. chloe shyly said, "i'm just not quite sure where to sit..." she said softly.

The Frizzy girl looked pitifully sad at Chloe with her big brown eyes. her mouth puckered to the side in thought. She smiled, "why don't you sit with us!" she offered, pointing to her two new friends. two young boys, one with red hair and one with black hair and round glasses shuffled over. "really?" Chloe asked excitedly as she wasn't expecting anyone to extend any type of friendship after her encounter with the Malfoy boy.

The girl wrapped her arm around Chloe's as the 4 of them headed to empty seats next to two older identical red haired boys. Chloe was relieved to be out of the doorway and blending in with the other students. "my names Hermione. Hermione Granger." she said proudly. "and this is Ron," she motioned to the boy with red hair. "and that..." she paused dramatically leaning into whisper, "that's Harry Potter!" she exclaimed quietly.

Chloe's eyes wide now in awe. "The Harry Potter?" Hermione nodded back to her. Chloe was shocked that she was sitting across from the infamous boy. The Boy Who Lived was a story she had heard before, but she never would have thought to be in such close proximity to him.

"ehm.." one of the identical boys coughed. "and I'm Fred." "no, i'm Fred," the twin boys joked. "those are my older brothers," Ron rolled is eyes embarrassed. "that's Fred, and he's George." he corrected. "you could never be too sure though!" the twins laughed in unison.

A tall, white bearded old man took to the podium. "that's headmaster Dumbledore!" said Hermione, seemingly knowing everything about all things Hogwarts. Dumbledore tried to hush the loud room to no avail. He took out his wand and almost as if he was throwing his voice with it, the words, "quiet down!" echoed through the giant hall. the room immediately came to a hush. The headmaster cleared his throat, "the feast will commence shortly." he assured. "but first, a warm welcome to all of our new faces.. we shall begin with the house sorting ceremony." A large brown hat sitting next to him on an empty chair.

One by one, the new first years are called up to be sorted by the talking hat. "ahh, a perceptive mind.. i sense intelligence," the hat sat on a young girl with long black hair, "ravenclaw!" it declared. Chloe's 3 new found acquaintances whispered, "i hope to be in Gryffindor!" shared Hermione. "me too," bumbled Ron glancing at his brothers wearing the red and gold crest on their robes. Harry nodded in agreement as he seemed just an unsure as Chloe.

The ceremony continued on, as the trio had been all sorted into their desired house. Chloe on the edge of her seat unsure of what house she would get. finally hearing dumbledore announce, "Chloe Doe," to the hat. she shakily approached as the hat was placed on her head. "good luck," Dumbledore whispered sensing her nerves. "hmmm, cunning are we..?" the hat thought aloud, "i sense you're resourcefulness, ooh and you are a determined spirt as well ayyy..." the hat paused, "its too easy! Slytherin!" it announced.

She wasn't quite sure what that meant, but the qualities the hat shared sounded like compliments to her. she went back to her seat, now donning her green and black attire. "how awful!" hermione whispered to her, "how dreadfully awful!" "what do you mean?" "you've been sorted into the same house as that terrible Malfoy boy!" she explained. chloe gasped, her glasses fogged up with disappointment.

"how could we be sorted in the same house? how could i have anything in common with such a rotten boy?" she thought to herself. the last few students were sorted and the feast began. However, chloe wasn't very hungry now, knowing her new adventure meant being in such miserable company.

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