The Erised Picnic

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Break felt longer than expected. Draco sent several owls to Hogwarts for Chloe- All went unanswered. he just wanted to make sure his friend was ok, why was it so hard? he was severely overwhelmed with tasks given from his father. He would often catch Draco writing to Chloe and would tear the letter apart. "what have i told you about distractions!" he would growl at Draco.

Chloe wasn't a distraction though, she was the only person he could ever trust. everything else was a distraction. He hatched a plan to sneak into Hogwarts. He would be free from his father for the rest of break and have a better chance of seeing Chloe if she was still locked in the school.

he left Malfoy Manor at night, dressed in his usual all black. he was amazed at how easy it was for him to sneak past Filtch and find his way into the Room of Requirement. He made himself comfortable and unpacked a few of his things. it was an uneasy feeling being at the school without other students. but it was better than the cold house he had just left.

He walked around the room, looking for something to distract him. he saw a big draped object. his curiosity got the best of him as he pulled the pale sheet off, revealing a big old mirror. "why's that covered up?" he thought to himself. as he stared at the mysterious reflection, it hit him.

The Mirror of Erised...

his face lit up, he was excited to see what he most desired in life. Expecting to see himself standing next to his father, who would be proud of him- happy to have him as a son. or to see him and his slytherin quidditch team beating Gryffindor.. but nothing appeared.

he stood there, in his black suit, looking at himself waiting for something, anything, to happen. his face dropped, "what a load of crock.." He rolled his eyes and he turned to walk away, his back now to the disappointing mirror.


a child's voice suddenly rang out from behind him. Draco froze, a lump stuck between his heart and throat. he didn't move a muscle, and his back still was facing the mirror. "where are you going?" the child's soft and innocent voice again called out.

Draco's face was twisted in emotion and confusion. he slowly turned his head to the mirror. there draco's reflection was in the mirror still.. his eyes fell onto a small boy standing next to him. He looked remarkably like Draco as a boy- chubby cheeks, bright blonde hair, even his eyebrow was raised like Draco's was in that very moment.

Draco stuttered and politely asked the little boy, "who are.. you?" the boy reacted with a familiar sneer.. "i'm going to tell mummy you're acting strange!" Draco was now kneeling next to the mirror, in awe of the boy in front of him. he reached his fingers to touch his face, all he could feel was glass. "dad stop! that tickles!!" the little boy reacted anyways, flailing around laughing. Draco let out a soft chuckle, he was in shock.

He kneeled there just staring at the boy, Draco's bright blue eyes wide with awe and pure happiness. the little boy made funny faces at him, pulling his lips to each side and sticking tongue out, he crossed his green eyes and let out a "bleeeeh!"

they laughed, that moment was the first time in his whole life draco felt completely calm. He felt all of his troubles melt away as he played with the little boy in the glass. he felt that lump in his throat come back when the child said, "oh no dad!!" Draco's heart skipped a beat hearing himself be Dad. "mummy's gonna be so mad we left her back there!" the boys eyes widened with a look of "oh shit"

Draco's face soon reflected the same fear.


if he was dad... of course there was a mum.

"will you go off and grab her for me?" he put the little boy in charge. he nodded excitedly on a mission from dad and darted out of the mirrors view.
Draco, still kneeling, had his thoughts racing.


he traced back to all the famous witches he had crushed on in his youth. Which one of the beautiful celebrities would it be? he was now not so scared, he was more excited to see what famous witch he would be married to. he was feeling cocky and delighted with himself at all of the possible contestants for the role of Mum.

"there he is!" he heard the mini Malfoy coming. Draco's smug face ready to go as he saw the legs of a woman standing in front of him. "i heard you're acting strange... again?" a woman, Mum, giggled. draco was smoldering as he looked up to respond with something incredibly charming to the beautiful, and famous woman.

Any amount of charm, charisma, and cockiness immediately left him when his eyes met Mums. The air in his body had all escaped, leaving his "charming" response more of a strange suffocated groan. his smolder wiped away and replaced with that "oh shit" face him and the boy shared earlier.

"dad... are you sick?" the little boy stepped forward concerned for Draco.

Draco's eyes dropped down to the boy now, his face still twisted and contorted. "..i think he's gonna be sick..." the boy answered his own question and took a step back from his father. Mum was holding a very little girl who had beautiful flowing blonde hair and massive blue eyes, hidden behind a small pair of glasses. Mum was also holding another child. This one however, was still in her stomach. She looked to be about 6 months pregnant as the waist of her long dress rounded out.

Draco couldn't catch his breath. his nostrils flared with each attempt, and his sneer deepening as he whimpered up at her. the Little girl gripped onto Mums shoulder, and had a tight hold of a chunk of her hair. she pointed to Draco, "Daaa!" "yes!! good!! daaaaad.." Mum cheered for the girl. "we're still working on it.." mum said in a quiet snarky voice down to Draco.

He gained some strength, and shakily stood up. he peered over and looked down at Mini Draco, Mum, and the illiterate little girl. His skin was almost green with anxiety, he felt like his bones were vibrating. Mums face quickly turned to concern, she put the little girl down and told the boy to go play with his sister. they ran down the hill and slowly were out of the mirrors focus.

Draco was panting and leaning his hands on his knees. his voice cracking as he laughed in nervousness. "you.." he looked crazy. Mum stepped towards him, "draco are you ok??" her eyebrows arched. they were now face to face, as he stood back up. Mums face tilted, "you're scaring me.."

Draco caught his breath and took a moment to accept the reflection. "sorry.. darling.." he exhaled. she smiled softly at him, relieved he had calmed down. the two children came running back up the hill. "daaaa!" screamed the wobbly little girl, Mum scooped her back up and placed her on her hip.. "is daddy all fixed now!?" the boy cheered. Draco laughed, "yes yes, all fixed.. daddy was.." the self title felt foreign. "daddy was just a little nervous.."

The boy frowned in confusion, "nervous?... about a picnic?" he squinted in disbelief.. he truly was a mini Draco, besides his eyes. "well," Draco explained, "i've never been on a picnic before.. i was nervous i would ruin it for everyone.." he admitted and excused his strange behavior. Mini Draco laughed, "oh please, like you could ever ruined anything!" he ran away blowing off some energy, "he just absolutely adores you.." mum whispered, "we all do of course.." she smiled lovingly up at him. The statement left Draco feeling at peace. He had always been so afraid to be like his own father, that he had completely written off having a family of his own.

He never expected a family to be his deepest desire. But now, he had a happy, loving family of his own standing right in front of him. They didn't think anything negative about him. they were loving and patient with him. they thought he could do anything, and make everything better.. he couldn't even ruin the picnic with his panic attack in their eyes. he stood staring at his picturesque perfect family's reflection as the little boy ran back up.

"are you sure you're feeling ok?" mum leaned up to his ear.

he looked her directly in the eyes, and smiled.

"i've never been better, Chloe."

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