Yule Ball

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**i know i changed some stuff from the movie in this i just got butterflies thinking of it being Draco so yeah 🤷🏼‍♀️**

In the morning, Draco woke up to chloe's bed being empty. The bag holding her dress now gone too. He knew she'd be getting ready for the ball. he started his day, alone, and would spend majority of the night alone as well.

he found himself roaming the halls, and waking past the girls bathroom more times than he'd like to admit. He wanted to catch a glimpse of her getting ready, but he kept missing her. Then suddenly, he spotted her. She sat with other girls in front of the mirror. Her smile was so bright and pure happiness. Her skin looked flawless, and she was curling her blonde hair.

he froze, in awe of his best friend's beauty. She's always been beautiful but to see her getting so done up was special. Her eyes caught his through the mirror reflection, and she gave him a huge smile and a wave. He softly smiled back, his lips leaning more towards one side and offered a very bashful wave.

uhg, now what.. she already saw me so i can't just stand here all day..

he decided to get some fresh air and sit outside, before getting himself ready. He had to keep reminding himself that his romantic feelings didn't exist for her, she's just a friend, his best friend..

but remember when she kissed you?

his thoughts would trace back two steps.

she didn't really love you.. she was under a spell.. who could love you?

you're not worthy of anyone's love. you're not worthy of her love. can you even love?

his thoughts attacked him. By the time he had had enough of berating himself it was time for him to get himself ready. He put on a black dress shirt, black suspenders, and slacks. His tall slender body seemed to elongate in the shadows even more now. He made his way, alone, to the beautifully decorated Great Hall.

The windows were covered in frost, fairy lights strung around the ceiling giving it a cozy magical ambience. His eyes scoured the room for Chloe. He made his way over to a few other Slytherins and waited for her arrival.

He spotted Cedric Diggory across the way, talking with a few other students. Draco's head darting from all directions to look around him to see if Chloe was next to him. As Cedric turned, there she was. in a jaw dropping emerald green dress, it hugged her features perfectly. Her hair perfectly curled and pinned back on one side. her face was glowing, and her eyes were full of joy.

His breath was uneven, and he couldn't look away from her. She'd never looked so beautiful. a commotion to the left of him stole his attention. There was trouble with the golden trio causing Hermione to storm off. he rolled his eyes, annoyed that they interrupted him but when he looked back Chloe and the hufflepuff were gone.

He nervously walked around with his drink, secretly looking for where they could have gone. When he saw them outside standing under the fairly lit tree, it couldn't have been worse timing. Cedric brushed his finger tips over her cheek and leaned in to kiss her. Draco's eyes went out of focus, he was in tunnel vision and felt his heart drop.

he needed to leave before they saw him. his long legs lead him out slowly, as he stepped out into the hallway. He sat on a step, and could hear crying somewhere nearby, secretly hoping it was Chloe needing to be consoled. his wish went un granted as Chloe and walked through the same hallway. Her nose was red from the cold outside air, her cheeks were blushed from nerves and happiness, and she was draped on Cedric's arm.

"Oh hi Draco," she smiled at him. all he could muster was a head nod. and they were on their way.

"How do you do it Malfoy?" a sniffle and sob came from a few steps behind him. he turned with his usual snotty face, to see Hermione crying into her knees. "what are you talking about?" he said rudely and looked away from her. she sobbed, "how can you handle seeing her with him?" he turned his head back slowly, "please, i see the way you look at her.. how do you do it? how does it feel?" she cried hysterically.

she must really be upset to take comfort in Draco Malfoy. before he could respond, Ron clumsily fell into the room with his new girlfriend Lavendar Brown. they showed a bit too much PDA as they hung all over each other. "Hermione! .... Draco?" he looked at the two stunned to see them secluded near each other. Lavender whispered something in his ear followed by a flirty giggle.

Hermione, still crying, conjured up a flock of birds that flew at Ron. he dodged them and as he left said "i don't know what's gotten into her!" as his voice trailed off further and further from the hallway. Draco turned his attention to her once again as her face fell into her hands. He knew the feeling.

"It feels like that.." he said quietly to her. she lifted her head and her eyebrows were raised in an emphatic way, the moonlight reflecting off of her wet face. She had tear marks all over her pink dress. Draco stood up and wiped his knees. "goodnight mudblood." he said as he exited. It didn't bother Hermione so much that time.

When he dragged himself to the common room, Chloe's bed was empty. He was almost relieved not to see her for once, he didn't know how to interact with her after what he had seen outside. as he laid in bed, staring at the flickering ceiling his thoughts continued.

you're not worthy of anyone's love.

you're not worthy of her love.

can you even love?

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