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The night was long. Draco laid staring at the ceiling most of the night. while Chloe cried herself to sleep at her rejected marriage proposal, Draco couldn't stop thinking about what happened.

she kissed me...

her first kiss...

my first kiss...

his stomach ached with nerves and confusion. Was he in love with her too?


no no no no


He shook his head against his pillow fighting the thoughts.

it's chloe

she's my best friend

she's just my best friend

maybe that's what she meant? she loves me like a best friend...

that has to be it.. she can't mean...?

but just kissed me

nothing made sense and his dreams recreated the scene over and over again. Her soft hazel eyes staring at him longingly. Her blonde tufts of hair golden in the fire place reflection. The way her soft lips melted into his. The way he could feel the heat from her rosy cheeks on his own.

the next morning was no different. Draco woke with the same throbbing sensation in his chest. a lump of conflict in his throat. He rolled over anxiously to see Chloe, hoping it was all just an elaborate joke. There she sat, on the edge of her bed, kicking her feet as she wrote Chloe Malfoy over and over again aside of doodles of Draco in her school agenda.

Her eyes met his, and she exploded with joy. She opened her mouth to exclaim something but Draco stopped her, "please don't start.." he moaned sleepily. her face dropped, "i was just going to say.." she paused, looking down sadly, "i'm sorry.." Draco felt relief, but a weird sense of resentment for the apology, as if he actually didn't want one.

"it's just.." she inhaled, "Ijustloveyousomuch, icantholditinanymore!" she raddled off. "christ.." Draco muttered. "please," he said getting out of bed to get breakfast, "take my clothes off.." he pointed with the flat of his hand in disapproval. "ohh.." she said in a flirty tone, as she started to lift her, actually his shirt up exposing just a peak of her tummy. "wait! NO!" he shouted realizing the alternative meaning.

"uhg it's too early to deal with you." he waved his hand at her and walked to the great hall. Chloe shuffling after him. "what's... going on... with her...?" Crabbe and Goyle asked, noticing Chloe's admiring eyes for Draco as they walked the halls. "i've not the slightest clue.." Draco shook his head and rolled his eyes.

They continued receiving strange looks from other students in the hallways, and at breakfast. It was quite an odd sight to see, Chloe had always been so calm, cool, and collected, she had always just been another one of Draco's goons- so to see her stumbling over herself to be near him and getting his breakfast for him... was different.

She sat next to him, instead of her usual seat across from him. She rested her head on her closed fist in awe of him as he slowly and uncomfortably took a bite of toast. she put her free hand on his long leg and Draco quickly removed it in embarrassment. His face turned bright red. "would you knock it off!" he shouted. "i can't help it.." she said dreamily. "okay.." he sat up meaning business now, "what is this? it's not funny, you're embarrassing me!" she sat back her eyebrows scrunched in offense. "i'm sorry darling, i ju.." "don't call me that!" he yelled as his voice slightly cracked.

Secret Desires- Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now