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As years went on, the students grew. Some much stayed the same and some changed. Draco, still a snobby little boy at heart, was also now charming and very sneaky. Chloe, went from feeling alone, to having just 3 friends, now was a beloved student at Hogwarts. She had friends in every House and always seemed to be surrounded by a crowd.

Draco still donning his almost white hair, no longer slicking it back. His light blue eyes serious and piercing, full of mischief. Chloe had grown very much since her first day at Hogwarts, she now had long beautiful golden locks of hair, her hazel eyes no longer hidden behind glasses. Her smile was always radiating through the hallways as she always seemed to be happy.

She was no longer interested or cared to be in the presence of the golden trio. She now found them annoying, as things always seemed to work out for them and their Gryffindor house always taking the lead in house points. Draco enjoyed her disdain for them very much, as he felt the same.

Draco and Chloe were almost inseparable. She was now his right hand (wo)man, and best friend as Crabbe and Goyle seemed to always make tasks harder with their stupidity. Draco trusted Chloe with any side quest he had to cause trouble for the golden trip knowing she could and would get the job done.

as the 4 of them, Crabbe, Goyle, Draco, and Chloe walked to class in a row students moving out of their way to avoiding a verbal lashing from Draco Malfoy and friends. Draco's sharp proud features in Chloe's peripheral vision she said, "Has anyone seen Potter around lately?" she continued as they all shook they're heads, "i haven't seen him around much." "he's probably been sucking up to Dumbledore some more." Draco replied as Harry was always being looked after and receiving favoritism by the head master and professors.

they walked into class and took their seats. as their professor went along with the magic lesson, Draco spotted Harry in class, "there he is.." he whispered nodding his head towards Harry in disgust. "what's happened to his nose?" Goyle asked focusing on the boys bandaged nose. Chloe sat up proudly, "that was me." she smirked, as did Draco impressed.

As class ended chloe and draco were met at the doorway at the same time as Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "nice face Potter.." Draco said smugly. "i could say the same thing to you," Hermione defended. Draco looked at her insignificantly. "out of my way." Draco pushed past them as Chloe smirked at the 3 behind him.

They all headed to their next class, where they would be learning about the Boggart.

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