Chapter 7

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Hi daisies, how are yall? Its been quite some time since my last update. Manifesting you all to be enjoying this novel.

Chapter 7

Talia's Pov:

I spent the night at an suite cozied up in bed wishing I was drunk. I have never had any taste of alcohol till date. In our country, the legal drinking age is 21. I know 21 is way too much and damn I hate my ancesters for this.

Anyways, I am the future leader even if the officials and nobles wish for me to be on sidelines I still am the only heir and if I don't follow such precepts how will I expect my subjects to follow them?

Today, I am supposed to leave for Manhattan with my fellow female troupe. I still haven't met them since I'm on my way to the airport. It's a short ride, so I will reach in 5-10 minutes.

Honestly, I'm some what scared of going off to manhattan kind of alone. I mean dad went with his family and mom lived there for work with her friends. So, they were going with safe company. Whereas I...

'Okay, Talia you can do this. Actually, nobody can do it better than you.', I thought to myself fidgeting with my fingers.

I finally reached the Airport and my 'royal' staff helped me with my luggage. After 5 minutes of walking I spotted a middle aged woman holding the sigh ' Uprising special womens day trip'. I guessed that was my cue.

I strutted towards her, with my crew obviously. She looked at me and my team eyeing us up and down. Okay, I get it its not a normal sight for a non famous 17 year old to be seen with her squad at an airport, especially not if she's wearing prada, Chanel, versace, dior and LV.

" Hey, is this for the manhattan trip?", I asked.

"Yes, madam. Have you done online registration or offline?", she said offering a polite smile.

"I've done online registration.", I answered returning the smile back.

"Okay, you have to go to that booth there, are you sure you signed for 'uprising travel agency' and not ' reprising travel agency'?", she said.

"I'm sure, I signed for uprising. Thank you.", I said and directed my team towards the booth.

It was an empty booth, with an handsome young man sitting at the counter. Ah I definitely needed that eye candy. Even though, I was quite away from him I could still feel his grace. God, is he hot.


hey daisies, this is it. i know i still havent given an intricate description of that boy. but, i will in the next chapter.


Au revoir, ate, ciao, zaijian, sbohem....byeee

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