Thursdays child has far to go

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Character facts, details and descriptions
(Also Srry if the grammar isn't great I made this at 2:00 in the morning)

Story set in 2019

TW IMPLIED SA (s3xual assault)

Characters: Micheal Minicks(main love, 16)bday- 06/09/2003, Thursday Marie(main love,16) bday- 08/29/2003, Monica Minicks(Micheal sister,11)bday- 05/09/2008,  Maya Minicks(Micheals sister,11)bday-05/09/2008, Eric Minicks (Micheals dad,43) Evelyn Minicks (Micheals mom,45) Kendrick Marie (Thursday's dad,45) derrin Marie (Thursdays brother,17)bday- 01/10/2002

Michaels looks:black jawline length curly hair and hooded blue eyes with bags around them always in baggy comfy clothes, sharp nose, and tan, brown skin
Micheal background:he is a quiet and reserved Vietnamese Hawaiian boy with OCD who lives with his nuclear family (family with a mom and dad he also has two little sisters names are Monica and maya) in Tulsa Oklahoma people at school think of him as an outcast and he occasionally gets slurs written on his desk or locker but he really couldn't care less most of the time since he was too tired from staying up till 4:00 playing Mario cart or watching coryxkenshin  (yes I made him a fellow samari Oml Cory needs to come back istg) and whatever people did like him was as a crush (people just wanted him to do their homework(which he refuses). His parents tease him about being socially awkward but he likes to think of himself as anti-social instead(before you ask he is both and in denial) he's also shorter than most boys his age at a whopping 5,5 and gets teased by his sisters a lot who r most likely to surpass his height in their sophomore year, he also had a sister named Maria but she joined the army when she was 25 and died in war he doesn't like talking about her much. He also has an ex who is very VERY nasty (you'll meet him latr Dw 🩷) He was also SA'd by his doctor when he was 9. (Inspo: Nico Di Angelo I mean it's pretty obvious, and Marco from the dckheads comic)
Hates:loud noises, tomatoes, school, gym, sports, mistakes, hyper people, popular people, people, writers block,big spaces,SA jokes
Likes:sisters, cartoons, energy drinks, Mario cart, guitar, music, Hawaiian food, smash bros, math,reading,money,daisys, Percy Jackson ,studio ghibli movies

Thursdays looks: curly dark light brown hair with feminine eyes/long eyelashes and heterochromia(left blue right green) in bright colored clothes and tan skin
Thursday background:he's a hyper energetic and smiley Dominican and Peruvian boy with ADD who moved recently to Tulsa okc from Washington with his dad after the passing of his Mom and sister five months prior to the story. His 13 year old sister was getting teased by him in the back seat which made his mom swerve off the road into a ditch he was the only to survive so he often blames himself and it doesn't help with the Alcoholic beating of his dad and the bullying of his brother both blaming him for his mom and sisters death as well. It's made him incredibly hateful towards himself and but he keeps on smiling despite the trauma of the deaths the abuse and the bullying because if he doesn't laugh he'll just start crying and no one wants to see that.
Hates:crying,mistakes,bad mental health days,gray,the cold,alcohol,art block,enclosed spaces,carrots,tomatoes,math,school,sitting still
Likes:art class,new.  friends,colors,music,musicals,summer,
spring,his name,cartoons,reading,strawberry's,forget me nots,visiting his sister and moms graves,valentines day,physical affection,archery,PE,Sanrio,

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