Chapter 1

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Micheals POV

It's not every day I go to sleep wishing the worst upon someone but lord forgive me because this kid is. the. WORST. Wait I'm telling this wrong let me start a lil earlier.

I heard my dad yelling for me downstairs I can smell the bacon my dad was cooking thankfully not burned considering my moms at work. Before I could wake up or even comprehend how tired I was from staying up playing a new RPG game I bought, my sister maya burst into my room with her pigtails and her striped leggings that absolutely did not match her pink skirt and magenta polka doted hoodie.

"BUBBA DADDY MADE CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES" she yelled. "At least wait till I'm out of bed to scream in my ear and didn't I tell you to knock" I say snatching her and tickling her. "AHAHA STOOP " she started screaming as Monica walked in. "Stop screaming so bubba can come downstairs and eat breakfast with us ".

After changing I come down stairs to see my dad in his usual: shorts and tank top putting a pancake on my plate then checking his watch and saying "oh lord your sisters are going to be late". "They've been late since they've started 6th grade dad." I retaliated. "it's really not a problem anymore even the teachers don't mind". My dad flopped a pancake on my plate, smirking. "Hey I'm trying to look responsible here ok smart ass now get your breakfast and backpack before you're late too".

When I get to school I sit down with my headphones still on. No I don't get greeted by a big group of football players asking me how I thought the game was last night. It's not like I needed friends nor did I want them. I new everything about everyone at this school. Plus I have a very faithful "wife" waiting for a computer call back home.

a kid I've never seen before walks in the class room and sits next to me. "Must be a new kid" I thought "hopefully he ignores me it's not like I'm that approachable looking anywa-" "hi!" says the boy as he turned to me. "Goddammit" I whisper under my breath. The boy gradually got closer as he introduced himself.

"how are you I love your jeans I'm new to this school as you might be able to tell also my brothers here too he's a grade older than me though, anyway I didn't catch your name" he quickly rambled. "One thanks? Two I don't care three I don't care four none of your business." I say scooting a little away from him. Jeez that boy can yap.

He scooted closer so I could see his features better. He had light brown hair with tan ish skin maybe, freckles and 1 green and 1 blue eye. He was wearing a baggy carebears shirt and skinny jeans with a cloud hair clip . "Overall a person I did not want to interact with ever again" I thought as the teacher Mrs. Bouins(bow-ins) walks in telling us to hush up."class" the classroom turned their heads to her as she went on "we have a new student joining us here at Tulsa high school please stand up and introduce yourself Mr Marie.

The boy stood up as people behind him snickered about his girly last name. "Hello I'm Thursday i moved here from Washington about a week ago I hope some of you guys will want to be friends with me" he says smiling as he sits back down then Mrs. Bouins starts teaching us algebra.


The bell rang during reading announcing that it was time for lunch. I started pulling out my lunch of water and chips (that I managed to sneak from my dad) when I realized my mini cowlick was sticking up a little in my reflection on the water bottle. "Fuuuuuuuck" i whine.

As I walked to the bathroom I was thinking about the hyper boy from algebra "he's so annoying and what parent names their kid Thursday anyway he needs to leave me alone and find someone who actually wants to be friends with him I'm pretty sure all the boys and girls want his attention considering how social he is" I rant in my head.

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