Chapter 3

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Thursdays POV

I wasn't even aware of what I was doing or where I was going the only thoughts or feelings that were in my brain where shamefulness and disappointment.

Mom made and gave me this hairclip and I just let derrin stomp on it like it was worth nothing. It's all my fault why am I so stupid why am I so selfish why am I-. "Hey". I turn around to see Micheal. "You ok"? He asked.

"Oh uh yeah I'm fine it's just a bit of a bummer that my hairclip broke." "Oh." He stated. "Is it special to you"? I hesitated. "Yeah my mom gave it to me before she died it's all I have left of her".

"Oh um I'm sorry to hear that" I snickered, trying to lighten the mood. "It's ok it's not like you killed her".

He looked at me up and down and then stopped. "H-hey" he started. "Im sorry I was a big asshole at the gates it's just I don't like that much attention on me and everything was kinda getting overwhelming with you yelling my name and stuff". I stared at him.

"uh not like that's an excuse for what I said but I'm just really sorry". It did make me kinda mad and it was rude as fuck, but I didn't say that out loud "it's fine atleast your making it up to me by fixing me hairclip". "No problem caillou " he replied snickering "who?" I say looking back at him "oh nobody."

"you can't call me a name and not explain it to me dumbass" "Whatever it's better for me to remember anyway. Who even thought of your name". "UGH" I gasp in a fake offended tone.

"For your information my Tia named me ok and my name is beautiful". He snorted "what are you named after the day Christ was born?" "Actually I was named after a nursery rhyme AND my family is atheist so HAH" I laugh after sticking the finger at him.

He looked at me genuinely curious now. "What nursery rhyme?" "It's called mondays child it's telling the story of every child of the week" I rambled unconsciously. "Ya know like mondays child is fair of face tuesdays child is full of Grace Wednesdays child is full of woe Saturdays child works for a living yada yada". "Well what's Thursdays child". "Oh it's uh" I stuttered remembering the words. "It's Thursdays child has far to go, I think." He snorted again and I felt heat rush to my face this time.

"Well your math skills do need some work. Good to know you're living up to your name.""Hey I'm ok at math." I exclaimed. "Sure you are." We were just talking now I've never had someone to chat and laugh with like this before. Except for Arianna. It's really nice.


By the time I made a joke about his terrible music taste (that he quickly dodged) he stopped at a large house with flowers everywhere. "oh looks like we're here" Micheal says. "My mom might be here and if she is she will cook dinner so you might smell burnt rubber when you go in but you'll get used to it. Also I have two very annoying/cute little sisters so be aware and my dad is just chill he screams a bit loud when watching football but that's usually when he's buzzed"

"Oh I'm sorry." He looked at me, eyebrows furrowed. "For what?"

"Well your dad drinks right I'm sorry you have to deal with that if you ever need anything you can-" "pfft what?" he cuts me off "Yeah my dad drinks a little bit but he only does it when he's watching games or sometimes with dinner and it's not like he's a kid beater drunk or something now let's go before my mom shoots me 50 texts asking me were I am" He says and drags me into his house before I could comprehend what he said.

(Sorry if the chapters are short btw hope you like the book so far! 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽)

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