Chapter 7

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Thursdays POV

It's really a pain in the ass to hide bruises when you have a homophobic, abusive father you know that? I mean you can't use make up to hide the giant bruises on your back or you'll end up getting more.

"Hurry your ass up!" Derrin yells from the living room. "I'm coming!" I yell back. "Calm your shit, 'm trying to find something to wear!"

"Fine! But my friends are coming in since your dumbass wants to take so long!" I roll my eyes. "Does it sound like I care!"i begin to take my pants off because of how tight they are, can't have my cuts opening again when the door opens. "Dad?!" I yell "why're you here get out!!" I slam the door back closed and pull my pants up.

"Fuck" I muttered. He saw the cuts. Is he sad? Mad? Before I could collect my thoughts he starts talking to Derrin. "You and your friends go on I'll deal with your brother. "Double fuck." I add.

As I hear the front door close I hear a bang on mine. "Do you think just cause Derrin has his friends around you can't start talking like that?" He asked in a menacing, cold tone as I started buttoning my pants and putting my shirt on.

"S-sorry sir." I say shakily. "Damn right you're sorry. Now you're gonna get fucking dressed, get your shit together and be out the door in 5 minutes do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?" "Yes." I reply. "Yes? Is that all?" I look away from the door sweat heading down my face. "Yes, sir." "Good." He says. "Phew" i say out loud. I don't think he noticed the cuts, he must be too drunk.

"And to make it clear" he starts saying. "I couldn't give a shit less what you do to yourself, so just cut the attention seeking, it's not goin to get you anywhere." "So he does know." I Mutter to myself "fucking. Perfect."


As i walk into school and walk into the classroom I see something written on my desk.

Faggot, gaybo, loud mouth, attention seeker

"'s not any different from my last school....I'm fine" I whisper to myself. "What the hell is this?" I stranger says as they walk up to my desk. "These wannabes are so annoying sorry this happened man, want help cleaning it?"

"Oh I'm good thank you" I replied surprised. This kid looked really really popular. Like we're talking football in hand, slicked back hair, letterman jacket, I mean, straight out of Highschool musical or some shit.

"You're that new kid right? Wednesday? Like the goth chick!" He asks snapping me out of my day dreams. "Uh it's Thursday and yeah that's me." I say grinning back.

"My bad dude! I'm Jason by the way I'd love to have you sit with me and my friends sometime also I'm having a Halloween party next week why don't you come and bring your friend with you?"

He's inviting me to a party?

"Ok! Thanks man!" I replied excitedly. "Alright cool I'll text you the deets here's my number!" He wrote a number on my arm and started walking away until he paused and turn back to whisper in my ear.

"By the way there are gonna be some substances at the party just so you know" he backed his head up and said "so if you don't want to go because of it that's alright!" I stared for a minute comprehending what choice I should make. I'm not dumb I know what he meant by substances but I mean would it hurt? To just get rid of the pain, for a few hours.

"I'll go don't worry! But I probably won't drink or anything like that." I replied.

He patted my shoulder as Micheal walked into the classroom. "Sweet! See you later!" he said then sat down.

"What was that about?" Micheal asked as we sat down as our teacher walked in. "I'll tell you at lunch." I whispered smiling.

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