Chapter 4

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Micheals POV
"Dad I'm home and I brought someone!". I walk in with Thursday and see dad on the couch watching the raiders game with Maya while mom is in the kitchen cooking with Monica.

"Hey mic dinners almost done. Who's this?""Sure it's not burnt?" I joke. "This is Thursday he's from school".

"Hi Thursday! that's a pretty name there I'm Evelyn and this is Monica."

she said pointing at my ruffle haired sister then noticing the mud and dirt on Thursdays clothes and frowns. "What happened to you dear? If you want you could take a shower here and take some of mics clothes"

Thursday looking a little surprised said "oh thank you ma'am." "Alright let's get this over with quick so I can eat" I said. "Over there on the couch is my other sister maya and my dads name is Eric alright let's get u showered up." I said dragging him upstairs.

I walked into my room and pulled a shirt and sweatpants out for him that I thought would fit. Good thing he's my size. "So uh where's your bathroom and thanks again for letting me shower here" he asked.

"Oh it's no problem and my room has a shower in it it's that door right there" I pointed to the door in between my bookshelf's. "That's cool, your whole rooms really cool." He walked into the bathroom and I went to help mom with the cooking.


Thursday came downstairs when me and the twins were setting up the table and he almost tripped on the sweatpants I gave him. "I forgot to tell him to cuff them up like I did." I thought as a smirked.

"Do you need any help?" He asked as my mom turned around "oh no thanks beautiful we-" she caught herself before she could say the rest of her sentence and I snorted.

"Um thanks Mrs. Um-" "Minnicks." she said face still red from embarrassment "Mrs. Minnicks but considering what I just did you can call me Evelyn. You really are beautiful though" she says slightly and cautiously raising his chin

"your eyelashes are so long and your eyes are so pretty. Perfect for the modeling company I run." He flushed almost as much as my mom and looked away. "th-thank you Evelyn." and then he sat down next to me.

We were eating at the table eating (as usual). It was kinda noisy like it usually was with maya and Monica talking about the art club they're both in and mom and dad talking about whatever stuff they talk about. None of it interesting of course. I was gonna start making conversation with Thursday since everyone else was talking to eachother when I heard a small "sniff."

I look to my left and see Thursday almost sobbing he's crying so much. Everyone stops what they're doing which makes the whole dining room go silent filled with only his sniffles and hiccups.

"Are you ok sweetheart?" My mom asks concern on her face. Thursday looks up cautiously like he's scared she's going to scream or something and starts whipping his eyes. "Yeah man you ok?" I ask.

"O-Oh um yeah I'm *hic* sorry." mom looks at him sympathetically and says "there's nothing to be sorry about sweetheart what's the matter?" His face softened as if his fight or flight mode turned off.

"It's nothing it's just *sniff* your food is really good I mean considering I've been living off of cup o noodles and McDonald's for the past five months" he says it as he's interrupted with hic ups then the whole table started bursting out laughing him included. I was the only one who realized he said five months. He's been in Oklahoma for a week.

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