Chapter 6

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Micheals POV

"Hey dipshit were you been you were supposed to hop on call at 9:30" Anya asks only Mildly concerned. "Calm your tits Anya I had a friend over." I say rolling my eyes. "Ooooo who's the special person~" she said teasingly.

"First of all he's not special to me he's just an acquaintance second of all it's the hyper dude who was annoying me at school." "Welllll" she rolls her chair closer to the camera and smirks "I guess he's not so annoying now is he."

I suck my tounge. "Shut up he IS annoying but a little bit less now that I know him better and he is NOT a crush he's not even remotely cute." "Mhm." she retaliates "whatever you say, I would ask you to describe him but I guess I'll just have to see him for myself"

"What do you mean?" I ask. Then it dawns on me. "Oh my god you're joking." "Yes!" She smiles into the camera. "I'm coming to visit!!" "Wow this is amazing!" I lean into the camera excitingly "What's the occasion?"

She sits back in her seat "well nothing really exciting it's just my Tia's birthday that week and my prima is having her quince but that means I'll be there for a month!" My eyes widen with excitement. "This is awsome we have to meet up at the skating rink!"

The skating rink is right next to my house it's an easy 15 minute walk. Me and Anya always used to walk there before she moved.

"Of course dummy I'll try to get away but you gotta at least bring your boyfriend to get froyo with us after, id like to meet him." "Ok, again, he is not my boyfriend" I cross my arms and roll my eyes. "But fine I'll see what I can do. When you coming anyway?"

"Yayyyyy" she exclaimed "thank you bestieee also I'm coming in November so about next month." "Great." I say "got to go though it's a school night you know how mom gets." "Oo yeah, don't wanna upset the boss lady have a good night weirdo, love you!" she says making a heart with her fingers. "If anyone's weird here it's you for wanting to stalk my new acquaintance" I say jokingly

"good night stupid love you too" and with that I brushed my teeth, showered, went to bed and drifted off to sleep a great deal happier than I was this morning.

(Srry this one's short yall I had writers block 😔🙏🏽 also I've decided that I will be posting every Saturday bc that's just more organized than randomly posting chapters)

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