we make the rules

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Minghao hated Mondays. Specifically, he hated this Monday, which was that day. He'd been hating it for a while now, because not only did the usually horrible Monday blues get amplified with a week long vacation, he'd decided to kiss his secretary, and his friend who he'd have to see. Even as he got in the car, Minghao considered lying to his dad, saying he was dying or moving to the other side of the world. But being the responsible child he was, he drove to his workplace.

It was a gloomy morning, and thunder boomed in the distance. It didn't help that the weather reminded him of an interesting scene from two days ago either. Minghao was fully ready to crash into a car just to avoid going to work, though he was confident his dad would kill him if he survived. "Come on, you're the director, the boss!" He tried to motivate himself as he sat in the dark parking lot, not willing to make his way upstairs.

Begrudgingly, he rode the elevator and half sprinted to his office. A knock on the door. "C-come in." He ordered, mentally kicking himself for stuttering. Mei walked in wearing a white turtleneck and brown pencil skirt. It's so formal... but that's totally normal because we're at work and not here as friends, he had to remind himself.

"Sir." Mei replied, not looking him in the eye. He could tell she was having an equally tough time getting here. "Uh, yes. Mei. What's on the schedule today?"

"You need to go brief the interns at uh 2.30 sir. Followed by a meeting with the chairman at 4. That will be all." She said awkwardly.

"Uh, thank you. I would appreciate if you could find the recruits files?"
"Yes sir." She said, running out to her office almost too eagerly.

Minghao buried his face in his hands and groaned. He was not a fan of this thick air between them. "OH YOU MORON?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He yelled at himself. Suddenly aware that he was at work, he launched his head up, checking for any employees walking by. Sure enough, a few of the cleaner staff shot him a quick glance before conversing with each other, most likely about his outburst.

He sighed, leaning back into his chair and staring up at the ceiling. Automatically, his mind shifted to that day. Mei looked so beautiful in his arms. Her skin was practically glowing in the moonlight and he tried really, really hard control his heart from beating too fast. Especially when she leaned in. His cheeks felt so on fire he almost stopped walking. And that kiss. It was probably the best in his entire life. Truth be told, he was getting lost to realise how far they actually went, until she snapped back to her senses.

His hand automatically moved to his lips and he gulped. Did that mean she liked him too? She kissed him, so it had to mean something, right? Or was it simply a spur of the moment thing? He ruffled his hair in frustration. Why couldn't he just treat her as a friend? Or better yet, a secretary? He closed his eyes, because he knew the answer. He couldn't deny it either — he was in love with her. He sighed again.

"I love her so much that it hurts." He thought out loud. "Then why can't I tell her? Why can't I tell her when I know she might love me too?" He glanced at the picture of his late mother at the side of his desk. "Ma, I need your help; How did I fall for her twice?"


Returning to his office, Minghao was once again faced with Mei nowhere in sight. Well, she only had another ten minutes to clock out, so she would be packing up, not in his office. Taking in a deep breath, he made his way to her desk, where the other workers of the management and HR department were. The several employees leaving bowed to him on their way out, not that he was focused enough to acknowledge them at the moment. He caught Mei just as she was putting her laptop into her bag. The other workers gawked; normally he'd just call her to his office.

"Ms Xiao." Mei jumped hearing him from behind her.
"S-sir? What are you doing here?" She didn't meet his gaze.
"I-uh. I need to speak with you." He said, lowering his voice. Mei let out a nervous laugh. "I actually need to be somewhere. My roommates have their-"
"I already checked with Jia and Jun. You've got nothing. Mei, I'm not asking as your boss but as your friend. Just one dinner tonight. And then you don't ever have to see me again if you don't want to. I swear" he pleaded, and for once Mei actually looked at him. "Okay." She said, before walking out of the area.

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