fate and destiny (mini chapter)

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3 months later, April 2024

"This is so pretty, spring itself is so beautiful."
"Not as beautiful as you."
"You're so cheesy." She shoved his chest, laughing. Minghao wrapped an arm around her shoulder, bringing her closer to him.

"Are you happy? This is what you wanted, right?"
"Yeah. I love you."
"Love you more." He kissed her forehead.

With the arrival of spring, Mei's mood had taken a turn for the brighter. Not only had she grown increasingly beautiful, she'd become more cheerful, more carefree, finally not carrying all her burdens alone. The past three months had been one of the best in Minghao's life. An adult relationship was much more different than the teenage one he'd shared with her; their feelings were more mature, as were their decisions and choices. It made him realise exactly what a good relationship should have looked like: caring, true and honest.

Lying down on the plaid picnic blanket, he looked to his side. Mei was finding shapes in the clouds, her smile growing as she pointed out a funnier one. Her dream of sitting together with a loved one in a spring picnic had come true with him, just as he hoped when he first heard about it.

"That one looks like Rafiki!" She pointed out to a cloud above them.
"Yeah, the mandrill from The Lion King, the one who raises Simba for the entire savannah to see when he's born" she lifted up her hands in a demonstration of the scene. Minghao flipped onto his side, resting his head against the inside of his palm. He looked at her with pure love. She turned her head to look at him.

"You're doing it again."
"Doing what?"He tilted his head slightly, adjusting his wrist.
"Looking at me like that."
"Like what?"
"Like I'm the only thing that matters."
"You are."
"Shut up." She chuckled, turning her attention back to the sky.
"Look at me Mei."
He used his other hand to direct her chin his way, before intertwining her hand in his. "Look at me."
"I'm looking."

"Sometimes, I really think time and fate have helped me so much. How else would I have met you? That day in chemistry, we were paired by coincidence. Then coincidentally, my best friend was your best friend's brother. Our dads knew each other. By sheer luck and good timing, I happened to be your boss, and just by coincidence, I found you in all those places. Again, thanks to good timing, I happened to be free that day Jun called me over to watch a movie, and when your shoe hurt you, it so happened we were too far from your house. The list goes on and on. I just mean, think of all the co-incidences it took for us to get here. Since the day I transferred to your school, to the day my dad made me director, all of it lead up to this moment; here, on the grass, with you in my arms, sometimes I just feel like this was my fate, my destiny. Scratch that, sometimes I think you're my fate and destiny." He concluded.

A single tear rolled down Mei's right cheek. Minghao let go of her hand, reaching up to her face and wiping the tear with his thumb. He got up, going to his car that was parked nearby and turning up the volume of the stereo to maximum.

"Now, in light of one of our staff's wedding, we will play a romantic song. Featuring the wonderful talent from Korea, here's Only by LeeHi!"

He went back to Mei, lending her his hand and pulling her up.
"What are you doing?"
"Trust me." He took her hand, placing one on his shoulder and intertwined the other with his own. He placed his hand gently against her waist.
"Hao, I can't dance."Mei complained.
"Okay then, let's try something simpler." He took hold of both her hands, wrapping them around his neck. He did the same, holding her waist and bringing her closer.

The voice of LeeHi echoed in the empty lakeside. The couple swayed with the music, eyes fixated on each other. Mei accidentally stepped on Minghao's foot, and tried to let go in embarrassment. He didn't let her, instead holding onto her tighter. "Don't worry about it. Just go with the music." Mei nodded, doing as he told her. As the song came to its finale, he placed a gentle kiss against her lips, joining their foreheads together. "You were right." Mei whispered. "I'm your fate." She pecked his lips again. "And you're mine."

Hihihihi! A really short chapter just to bring things up to speed :) so this one is just to let yall know what's the vibe and like a filler for the time skip hahaha

I will post my usual length chapter on Friday yayayy. I've just been a bit busy off late but I wrote a TON of chapters during my break so there isn't going to be a shortage anytime soon (i hope). Anyway, thanks for reading and hope you have a fantastic day xoxo - peechy

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