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"Traveler, you're here!" Paimon, the floating child, says with joy.

"Hey Paimon, I cooked some pita pockets." Leonic, the Traveler, replies with two plates.

"Oh, this really reminds me of Collei, I wonder how she's been." The floating child wonders, munching on the food.

"We can check up on her, and ask her how she's comfortable here." Leonic says and stands up from the chair. "Come on, let's go."

The companions leave their room, seeing Lynette observing Freminet talking with Gaming.

"Hello Lynette, Freminet, Gaming." Leonic greets with a smile. "Are you guys hungry? I can go and cook for you." She says, insisting on cooking for them.

"Oh, can I have Honey Char Siu?" Gaming asks with a bright smile on his lips.

"Poisson Seafood Soup." Freminet answers, nodding a little.

"Just Conch Madeleine is fine." Lynette answers with a neutral tone.

"Okay, just wait here for a moment." Leonic says and goes to the kitchen.

She starts to cook Honey Char Siu first, Lumine starts off by cutting a piece of meat to different sections. Minutes passed and she serves it in a plate, then melts sugar and puts it on the meat as a wrapping.

"Paimon, that looks delicious doesn't it?" Leonic asks her companion.

"Yep yep, Paimon is already getting hungry." The gluttonous child says.

"I'll bake you macarons, Paimon." Leonic laughs it off.

"Paimon will wait then." Paimon giggles to herself and just continues to watch the traveler cook.

"Can you help me give the Conch Madeleine to Lynette?" The Traveler asks her companion who nods.

"Paimon will." Paimon answers and exits the kitchen with Leonic.

"Here, Gaming and Freminet. Tell me if you ever feel uncomfortable." Leonic assures and walks over to Lynette who was thinking.

"Were back, Lynette." Paimon says, greeting Lynette again.

"Thank you." Lynette nods her head.

"Gaming, if you still insist on cleaning or doing gardening. I'm just gonna buy some seeds from Tubby so you can garden more." Leonic says to the performer who nods.

"Thanks for this, Traveler! This is so dope." Gaming nods and eats his meal with Freminet.

Leonic only nods with a smile and goes up the stairs to look at the rooms.

"Hey traveler, should we go check up on Kathryne for new commission?" Paimon asks.

"Okay then, I have nothing to do anyways." Leonic nods.

Both exited the teapot together and goes to Kathryne in Mondstadt. Leonic was glad that she put the teapot in one of the Cat's Tail's available floor where Diona is so it would be easier for her to go to Kathryne.

"Hello Kathryne." Paimon greets the bionic.

"Ad Astra Abbysosque, Traveler and Paimon." She greets back.

"Is there any new commission for us?" The floating child asks.

"Indeed there is." The bionic nods and looks at some new commissions plastered.

"Let's see, a miner from Springvale putted up a commision about a month ago. It says that he witnessed a strange phenomena near Stormterror's Lair after getting lost." Kathryne describes what's written on the paper.

"Is there more?" Paimon asks Kathryne who nodded.

"Indeed there is. By main tower, he saw a blackened glow by the entrance under the tower. He immediately went to the city walls and wrote the commission. I can mark it on your map." Kathryne says.

'This might be connected to my brother... But Dainsleif is not here.' Leonic thinks and nods.

"I have marked it on your map, Ad Astra Abbysosque." Kathryne says her farewell.

"What do you think, Leonic?" Paimon asks her travel buddy who was thinking.

"This might be connected to my brother." She replies to her companion who nods.

"We've been through five nations but we have more questions than answers." Paimon says, feeling a deep pit in her stomach.

"Paimon has a bad feeling about this."

Leonic only sighs and travels to Stormterror's Lair. They walk to the pathway and both of their eyes widens. There was indeed a dim glow under the tower.

"Hey, don't you think we can't enter this suspicious fog yet?" Paimon speaks oit, cautious about the mechanics needed for them to properly enter the fog.

"That's true." Leonic sighs, agreeing at her companion.

"Let's go explore the area first before we continue. There might be some platform here that's connected, like Enkanomiya or the Sea By Gone." Paimon nods her head.

Leonic uses the windglider to check out the outline, with Paimon floating beside her. Paimon narrows her eyes, using her hand to cover her eyes a bit to see.

Paimon floats around some pillars, looking up while the Traveler looks down. It took them thirty minutes to notice that the sun has gone down.

"Traveler, look. There's a strange mural by one of the pillars." Paimon points out and guides Leonic to the said pillar.

The two land safely on the small platform by the pillar. Both walks over to the mural with a cautious look.

"Let Paimon see." The levitating child says and looks at the mural with a hand on her chin.

" 'Curiosity indeed eliminates the cat, but what curiosity is there to be curious of?
Only through the journey does it indeed show you the wondered ones.' Huh, this is all its written." Paimon hums in confusion and looks down more.

" 'Traverse though dimension in this domain. The only threat that will be sent is the companions met on the way.' What does it mean?" Paimon asks the Traveler who was thinking.

'Traveling though dimensions? But me and Aether travels through worlds and worlds.' Leonic thinks and looks at Paimon.

"Come here, Paimon. I have taken an image of the mural." Leonic says, opening her arms for Paimon to cling on.

"We're entering. I've also packed enough food and resources for us." She adds, smiling at Paimon who hugs her tightly for comfort.

"Okay, Paimon trusts you on this." The little girl says.

The Traveler takes some steps back before running and jumping off the platform, now entering the dim glow underneath the tower.

Both girls closed their eyes, blinded by the shine the more they fall. Paimon was holding onto the Traveler for life. She doesn't want to let go in this commission.

The more they fall, the more they hold on to each other. There was tears falling from Paimon's closed eyes, she was scared. Extremely scared just like the Traveler because they were venturing to a place they haven't been to before.

"Just... Hold on... To me, Paimon... We're almost there..." The Traveler says with grunts from the pressure of the fall.

After what felt like an eternity of falling, they both opened their eyes and saw their... Friends...


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