I Cassandra's P.O.V

648 58 4

King's Landing, The Red Keep - 125 AC

Today was the day of my wedding. At just fifteen namedays, I felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness as I prepared to take this monumental step in my life. I, Cassandra Baratheon, was not just any highborn lady of Westeros. I was the eldest daughter of the Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, the heiress of Storm's End. It was a title that I had carried with pride since I was but nine namedays old. From a young age, I had been taught the responsibilities that came with my station, and I had strived to be worthy of the honor bestowed upon me.

My pride swelled even further when it was announced that my future husband would be none other than Prince Aegon Targaryen. The realization that I was to marry a prince filled me with a sense of awe and wonder. I had always wanted to marry a prince, it was the dream of every girl across Westeros. It was why I was so obvious on my attempts to charm Prince Aemond, not that I succeeded. I still flush in embarrassment every time I recall Prince Aemond's vicious glares and the scolding my mother had given me after being warned off by Princess Rhaenys. I knew I had been wrong, but I had seen how kind and gentle Prince Aemond was with my cousin and I wanted the same. I later learned that Prince Aemond only behaved like that towards Princess Lucerys, and with everyone else he was cold and distant.

At the end, I did get my dream of marrying a prince. However, the excitement of marrying Prince Aegon was overshadowed by the rumors circulating the realm. Despite his lofty titles, none of them were flattering. The people of King's Landing whispered of his frequent visits to the Street of Silk, earning him the moniker of the Prince of Silk. Meanwhile, the courtiers of the Red Keep spoke of his penchant for revelry, dubbing him the Drunkard Prince. As I pondered these rumors, a wave of apprehension washed over me. Would a life married to a man like Aegon bring me happiness? Would he prove to be a faithful and loving husband, or would I be left alone and bitter?

Yet, despite my misgivings, I knew that I had little choice in the matter. My future was inexorably tied to Prince Aegon's, and I needed his dragon, Sunfyre, to safeguard my position as the future Lady Paramount of the Stormlands. Without the protection afforded by royal blood, my hold on Storm's End would be tenuous at best. My children needed to have Targaryen blood, as to raise a sword against anyone with royal blood was deemed high treason.

I sighed as I stood in my chambers, surrounded by maids and handmaidens fussing over me, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief wash over me. Was this truly happening? Was I really about to become a princess, bound to a man I hardly knew?

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, taking in the sight of the lavish gown that draped over my frame. It was a sight fit for a princess, crafted from the finest silk and satin, adorned with intricate embroidery and embellishments that sparkled in the light. The style was elegant and flattering, accentuating my figure in all the right places, and the color—rich shades of gold—honored the sigil of House Baratheon.

But it wasn't just the gown that left me in awe. My hair had been meticulously styled into an elaborate updo, adorned with a stunning piece of jewelry—a small crown made of antlers—that added a touch of regal splendor to my appearance.

As the final touches were made to my attire, I couldn't shake the feeling of surrealism that enveloped me. This was not the life I had imagined for myself, yet here I was, on the verge of entering into a union that would forever alter the course of my destiny. Despite my doubts and fears, I knew that I had a role to play in the grand tapestry of politics and power that governed the realm. As the future wife of Prince Aegon Targaryen, I would be expected to embody grace, dignity, and strength—a princess in both name and deed.

Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and straightened my spine. I glanced at my sisters, Ellyn, and Maris, proudly clad in their black dresses, representing the other color of House Baratheon, a swell of pride washed over me. They stood by my side, unwavering in their support, already proving themselves valuable assets to our house by serving as ladies-in-waiting to our cousin, Princess Lucerys Velaryon.

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