Chapter 79

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The little cubs clasped their hands together and prayed devoutly to the small statue of Confucius: "Grandpa Confucius, please bless us to get 100 points in the exam, and we will bring you snacks to eat!"

The cubs muttered words, and after praying, they also He kowtowed heavily to Grandpa Confucius.

The little fat boy kowtowed the loudest.

As loudly as the green grass class in the kindergarten kowtowed and ate, the audience watching the live broadcast laughed loudly.

"Fuck, I'm all laughing!"

"Hahahahahahahaha what are these cubs doing! Oh my god, Confucius, which smart cub came up with this?!"

"I'm laughing so hard, that one wearing overalls Whose cub is the leader? How could he be so smart and kowtow with all the other cubs?"

The barrage was all hahaha, except for the details of the leader in the video. .

Zaizai's father almost went dark when he looked at these barrages and the screen.

He just said, why is it that Zaizai suddenly doesn't worry about his grades anymore? He also thought that Xiao Zaizai was confident and confident in the exam.

He never expected that his little Zai Zai would choose the metaphysical method to take the exam.

Zhan Xi, whose eyes darkened, grabbed Ling Qi's hand, and said with a slight tremor in his voice: "Ling Qi, am I dazzled, right? My cub cannot be so embarrassed."

Ling Qi: "..."

Ling Qi Period choked.

He subconsciously looked at Annuo, and saw that Annuo, who had always been calm and composed, had a somewhat cracked expression at the moment.

Especially since Raphael also called Annuo. Annuo looked at the call and pressed it without thinking.

Raphael called, he must be here to say "hahaha"!

Several people in the room watched the live video, either suspecting that there was something wrong with their eyes, or that there might be something wrong with their mental state.

In the palace.

Ludwig was speechless while watching the video.

After not seeing each other for a few days, the little fat boy has come up with new tricks.

Within the Federation.

Marshal Tang En, who was also watching the live broadcast, looked at the little fat cub and thought about his increasingly noisy cub. By comparison, it seemed that his cub didn't deserve a beating.

Compared with the psychological activities of these adults, the mood of Principal Hardy of the Imperial Military Kindergarten was much more simple and straightforward -

regret, if you ask, you will regret it.

He shouldn't be coveting the live broadcast of the Federal Kindergarten, he should continue to keep a low profile!

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