Chapter 3

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Hot shot was in Texas children's hospital because he has Medulloblastoma a type of brain cancer. Hot shot knows that he is going to need a lot of treatment in order to get better from the cancer. Hot shot is ready to be brave and fight his cancer. Hot shot knows it will take a lot of treatment in order to get better from the cancer. Hot shot is wondering what is going to happen when treatment starts and what treatment was going to be like. He knew the treatment was going to be tough but it is nothing he really can't handle without his family.

Hot shot is soon going to get his simulation scan done. Hot shot was kind of nervous about it. He knew it was to help determine what type of radiation he was going to need for his cancer treatment and how long he was going to need it. Hot shot was a bit nervous and wondering what to expect from it.

Hot shot woke up the next morning. Hot shot was going to find out more about the simulation scan and what was going to happen. Hot shot first met with his radiation oncologist Dr. Paulino. "Hello Hot shot how are you doing today?" Dr. Paulino asked him.

"I am okay I guess," Hot shot said holding onto Roxy the rhino. Hot shot took Roxy with him pretty much everywhere in the hospital. "I am wondering about treatment and I am kind of scared of what it maybe like," he said.

"That is completely normal," Dr. Paulino told Hot shot. "Many kids do get scared before treatment because it is a new experience," he said. "They even get scared when treatment first starts because it is still pretty new and it is not very pleasant a lot of the time. That is because cancer treatment can make you feel sick, weak, tired, loss of appetite, easy bruising, easily getting sick from germs, getting painful skin, rashes, trouble sleeping, trouble remembering things, and even losing your hair," he said. "But you must remember these treatments are to help you and they get easier over time," he added.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. "How much of my brain gets the radiation during treatment?" he asked.

"It depends on what type of radiation is used and the type of brain tumor you have and whether or not it has spread," Dr. Paulino explained. "X-rays, photon rays and gamma rays for those with Medulloblastoma generally go to the whole brain and spine. But proton beams only go to the spots where the cancer is only," he explained. "The mask will not only keep your head still but help us make sure only your cancer is zapped and nothing else," he told him.

"Okay," Hot shot said. "Will I get chemotherapy during radiation or get it after I am done with radiation?" He asked.

"You will get it after radiation, once radiation ends you will need to wait 5-6 weeks afterwards to get chemotherapy so your body can rest and recover," Dr. Paulino answered.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Then Hot shot was taken to where he had to wait to get his simulation scan done. Hot shot was a bit nervous. Hot shot saw his friends were there and he waved to them. Hot shot was happy to see them too. Hot shot was wondering a few things about his radiation treatment.

Hot shot met other kids there in the nuclear medicine clinic. They were all there for radiation treatment. Hot shot found out some kids got to make masks like him and others made cushions. The masks and cushions were custom made. So they only fit the patient they were made for. That was understandable different people had different features. Hot shot was soon taken back to make his mask.

"Okay Hot shot let's make your mask," A tech named Steve said.

Hot shot laid down and gave Roxy the rhino a big hug. Then Steve stretched the wet soft mask material over Hot shot's face after dipping it in warm water. Then Hot shot stayed nice and still. Then after several minutes Steve took it off. "There you go Hot shot all done," Steve said.

Hot shot saw they mask. "It looks like me!" Hot shot said.

"Yes it does because this is your mask," Steve said. "The mask will soon have holes for your eyes and mouth so it can be easier to see and talk to the radiographer during treatment," he said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. After his mask was made Hot shot got a planning scan. It was part of the simulation so they could know what type radiation he was going to need, where he was going to need it, and how long he was going to need it. This way Hot shot can get the best treatment possible and recover from the cancer. Hot shot had another MRI. Hot shot had a few MRIs before this to look at his tumor so Hot shot knew he had to stay still. Hot shot also knew he was going to need several MRIs during treatment and even once he was finished with treatment. So he was going to have to used to being still for a long time. Hot shot's scan took about 36 minutes. Now that it was over Hot shot could go back to his room.

Once in his room Hot shot had some medicine to take. After that he was able to have his lunch. Hot shot was still thinking about a few things. He knew treatment was going to take a while but he wanted to know how long for him personally. But there was time to worry about that later. Hot shot was ready to be brave for his treatment to begin. Hot shot saw his father come in a bit later that day. "Hello son," Heatwave said. He was holding a few things.

"Hi daddy," Hot shot said. "What is that stuff?" He asked him.

"They are presents for you," Heatwave said. "One is from me, one is from the fire chief, one of these is from Blades, one is from Boulder and the last one is from Chase," he said.

"Why did they give me presents? It is not my birthday until November, and it is not Christmas yet," Hot shot said.

"Some people give presents to people who are very sick or hurt or in the hospital or had surgery it is their way of saying I am thinking of you and I hope you get well soon," Heatwave said. "It is a way of showing that someone cares about someone who isn't well, and hoping the person who's not well, gets better," he said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. One of the presents was a new picture book that was from Boulder. One was a toy fire truck from the fire chief. One was a coloring book from Chase. One was a toy helicopter from Blades. The present from his father was a plush Jaguar that was all black. Hot shot loved the presents. But he was just glad he was being thought of by these people. Hot shot soon saw Dr. Lin was in his room a bit later.

"We decided to start radiation therapy on Monday and you are going to get proton therapy. Since you have it in two different places in your brain you will need each treatment to take some time because the machine will need to change position a few times to make sure each spot gets the right amount at different angles." Dr. Lin said.

Hot shot knew it was going to be alright when treatment starts, and it was okay to be scared. But he was ready to be brave. His father was going to stay with him tonight and the next day. But his mother had to home. He was sad but he knew his mom was going to come back just like his dad. He was ready to be brave and fight his cancer hard.

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