Chapter 11

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Hot shot was staying in the hospital for a while to get treatment for his brain cancer. Hot shot wasn't too happy about it at first. Hot shot knew it was import for him to get better. So he was going to have to learn to live with it. Hot shot was glad his parents were able to stay with him one on one and sometimes together. Hot shot was happy his adult family members were able to visit. But he was sad that his cousins couldn't visit.

Because Hot shot lost his hair he would sometimes where a bandana or at times he would wear a soft beanie hat. Hot shot had collection of quiet a few of them. Some of the beanie hats were hand knitted and crocheted by his granny, grandmum, aunt and mother. Hot shot was happy to wear them. They were nice and soft.

Hot shot sometimes didn't wear anything on his head. But if Hot shot wanted to go outside in the cool fall weather he had to wear a hat or bandana. It wasn't like it was spring or summer. Hot shot would have to wear a hat in cold weather. But if he was inside he could not wear anything if he chose too.

Hot shot enjoyed the Thanksgiving day parade when it came around. Hot shot loved to see all the balloons and floats. His parents were able to spend some time with him. Hot shot was happy to be enjoying himself. Hot shot even got to eat some turkey and other foods. Hot shot was happy that there was some food normally eaten during Thanksgiving there.

Hot shot was wondering about Christmas because he was going to have to spend Christmas in the hospital. "What about Christmas? What are we going to do then?" Hot shot asked.

"Your father and I will bring the presents from us and the family to the hospital and have you open them here and we will be with you," Quickshadow said.

"We sure will," Heatwave said. He had brought in some get well cards and presents from family and family friends. Some of Heatwave's cousins and Quickshadow's cousins sent a lot of these presents. Even Uncle Murray's new fiancé sent Hot shot a card and a present. Hot shot was glad to here his parents were going to spend the holiday with him.

Heatwave's boss knew it was hard having a child with cancer so he gave Heatwave some days off to spend with Hot shot. Some of the firefighter recruits who were new were not happy about it. Another firefighter who knew Heatwave well explained to them that Heatwave's only child had brain cancer and was getting treatment for it. The new recruits felt bad for judging Heatwave before getting to know him.

They even got small gifts for Hot shot. "I hope you son like frogs," said a firefighter recruit giving Heatwave a plush red eyed tree frog.

"He loves animals thank you," Heatwave said.

"I hope he will like this plush Yoshi I got for him," said another young firefighter.

"Yes Hot shot loves Nintendo characters," Heatwave said.

"Here is a new book for him," another firefighter said.

"I know Hot shot will love it," Heatwave said.

Heatwave headed back to Texas Children's hospital to see Hot shot and take a shift with him. He was also going to give the presents from the other Firefighters to Hot shot. Heatwave knew Hot shot would love the presents.

Hot shot was happy to see his father come in today. "Hi daddy," Hot shot said.

"Hello Heatwave," Quickshadow said kissing him.

"Good to see you both," Heatwave said. "Here you are Hot shot these are from some of the firefighters I work with," he said.

"Thank you," Hot shot said.

"I am so happy you like them and I know they will be happy too," Heatwave said.

"Can you read me my new book?" Hot shot asked.

"Of course son," Heatwave said.

Heatwave read Hot shot the new story book. Hot shot was happy to hear it too.

Hot shot was getting his chemotherapy still. Hot shot had to use an NG tube many times still because the chemotherapy made it hard for him to eat. Hot shot was getting used to the NG tube. Hot shot was happy now that it was there, it made eating, drinking and taking oral medication much easier. Hot shot liked the variety of stickers he could wear with it. He found it to be a lot of fun to try out all the different stickers to hold his NG tube in place.

The stickers had to be changed regularly. Hot shot liked to chose different ones for different days. He found it to be kind of fun. Hot shot was glad he was able to enjoy himself in the hospital too.

Hot shot was able to do many arts and crafts while in the hospital. Hot shot made many pictures for people who had been thinking of him while he has been sick. Hot shot was happy to show to others he was glad they were thinking of him. Hot shot hoped they would like the pictures he made for them.

Hot shot also made pictures to decorate his hospital room. Hot shot was able to relax while making these pictures. Hot shot made paintings and worked with clay too. Hot shot also made things out of folded paper too. Hot shot was able to have a lot of fun doing too.

Hot shot had trouble remembering things at times. He sometimes did things two times in a row and it was kind of frustrating for him. He even sometimes forgot things he just heard or said. "I don't like this, I keep forgetting a lot of things," he said.

"I understand maybe this video might be able to help you," Quickshadow said.

Hot shot watched the video on memory loss. Hot shot learned the cancer and treating it can make it hard to remember things. Hot shot learned he might forget little things like something he just heard of said a while ago. Hot shot learned there are many ways to help remember like listen to one thing at a time, ignore distractions, repeat things that he hears, and doing something like draw a picture. Hot shot felt a bit better after watching especially when it said people who care about him will understand.

Hot shot still had to get a lumbar puncture to remove some spinal fluid to test. Sometimes the doctors even did it to give some medicine that way. Hot shot didn't enjoy the needles too much at all. Hot shot hated needles. So he watched the video about how to handle shots. Hot shot learned that needles that doctors used are there to help. They can test blood and other things, and they could give him medicine too. He learned there are many ways to cope with getting a shot too. Hot shot felt better knowing there were ways of handling a shot and they were their to help him.

Hot shot soon began seeing all the sights and sounds of Christmas at the hospital. Hot shot saw the halls and hospital were decorated. He saw some sports teams come to visit him and the other kids. Hot shot even got to see Santa Clause. He saw many kids get toys from people who donated them. Hot shot even got a donated toy. Hot shot loved it a lot. Hot shot was happy when he saw his parents come in on Christmas day with his presents and to spend time with him.

They even brought some of their own presents to open with Hot shot so he could have a better Christmas experience. That made Hot shot very happy. Hot shot got a lot of nice presents. Hot shot even gave his parents pictures that he made for them. "Thank you Hot shot these are very nice pictures." Heatwave said.

"Yes and I am going to hang these on the fridge," Quickshadow said.

"Thank you for my presents too," Hot shot said. "I got some pictures for the rest of the family too," he said handing them the pictures.

"We will make sure that they get them," Heatwave told Hot shot.

Hot shot was glad his parents were going to do that. Hot shot even watched a few Christmas movies with his parents. Hot shot was happy to be able to spend time with them. Hot shot was hoping to go home very soon. He knew that cancer was tough but with his family there by his side nothing he couldn't handle.

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