Chapter 13

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Hot shot was busy with all of his cancer treatments. They tended to keep him busy a lot. But he was handling it well. He is very brave and facing it head on. Hot shot is hoping his cancer treatment will keep going well. Hot shot has been getting treatment for his cancer for almost a year. Hot shot was hoping things were going to be alright.

Then on a nice and sunny day in April Hot shot and his parents were seeing Dr. Zhao again to see how his treatment was going. They were hoping it was good news. Because Hot shot was hoping he was going to be all better soon. His parents were worried and wondering if this nightmare would ever end.

Hot shot and his parents saw Dr. Zhao come into the room. "Good morning," Dr. Zhao said. "I got the results from Hot shot's recent tests and it is all very good news," she said. "Hot shot's scans for the past three months have been coming back clean and his lumbar punctures have been coming back clean too," she said. "Hot shot is in remission," she said.

Heatwave and Quickshadow smiled and looked relieved and Hot shot noticed. He was wondering what that meant.

"What does that mean?" Hot shot asked.

"It means you beat cancer Hot shot," Dr. Zhao said.

"So I did it?' Hot shot asked.

"Yes you did it," Dr. Zhao said. "You are a brave little boy and you beat the evil cancer fire," she said.

"I did it!" Hot shot said.

"You will still need treatment for a few more weeks but then you will come back for a lots of tests and scans to make sure the cancer is staying away," Dr. Zhao said. "The longer it stays away the less likely it is come back," she said. "But we want to keep an eye on you just in case it ever does come back," she said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot felt happy that his cancer was gone and that he was going to need a few more weeks of treatment. But he was so happy that this horrible nightmare was over. He hoped it was going to stay over too.

Hot shot heard his friends had also gone into remission too. Hot shot and his friends were all so happy. They were looking forward to having some fun. After their last chemotherapy which they all had on the same day they each rang the bell one by one.

Then that Friday the families decided to go together to the Forth Worth Zoo the celebrate. They were having a good time and loving to see all of the animals. They all were laughing and having a good time. They each got a special stuffed animal from the gift shop. "This was a very fun day," Hot shot said. "I am so happy to be all better," he said. "I am looking forward to my hair growing back," he said.

"Me too," Hoist said.

"As am I," Medix said.

"I am too," Whirl said.

"I am excited as well," Wedge said.

"I wonder how my hair will look when it grows back because I remember Penny telling me my hair might look a little different when it grows back," Hot shot said. "My hair was blonde and straight when it first fell out and I wonder if my hair will be a different color or texture or both when it grows back," he said.

"Well that is the fun of it," Whirl said.

They all had to agree with that. After a few months Hot shot noticed his hair was growing back and it looked the same as it was before. The shade of blonde was the same and his hair had a slight wave too it that was the only thing that was different. Hot shot's hair was thickening over the coming months and it was nice and soft. It as a bit brittle at first but soon it was coming in a lot stronger. Now it was very soft and strong. His parents helped him take care of it.

Hot shot even got his wish. Hot shot got to meet his puppy. It was a fluffy Newfoundland puppy he named Roxy. Hot shot and Roxy had become very close. They both loved each other very much and they loved to play together. Hot shot was very happy to have Roxy.

Hot shot knew his friends got their wishes too. They were all so happy to have their wishes granted. They all hoped for a happy future. Hot shot and friends still saw Dr. Zhao and their other doctors. They were all making sure the cancer was staying away.

They kids knew this wasn't going to be an easy thing but they were happy and hoping the cancer does stay away. They did all have lasting effects from their treatment though like most kids with brain tumors. Hot shot still had a weird gait thing because of how his left leg was affected but he could still walk and run very fast. Hot shot was great player on his school's baseball team, and soccer team. Hot shot's leg didn't even slow him down for a second. Hot shot was able to do what he still could do before he got sick.

Hot shot was growing bigger and stronger as time went on. Hot shot's cancer was staying away and he was happy about that. Hot shot decided he wanted to be a pediatric neurooncologist who will help kids with their brain tumors. Hot shot was doing well in school for that. Hot shot while in school he met a girl named Override who was studying to be a physical therapist for children in hospitals. They fell in love an got married. Soon after completing their training they went to work for Cook Children's Hospital in Fort Worth. The two of them were very happy and welcomed a daughter named Emberlight.

Hot shot still saw his parents and was happy to see them both. Hot shot was proud of how far he had come. Hot shot helped other kids he was treating who had brain tumors understand there is a light at the end of the tunnel. They could make it there and beat their cancer just like him. Hot shot was proud of his brain tumor journey and that fact he hasn't had recurrence or relapse. He wasn't going to forget he journey either and he was going to stay strong as survivor for always. 

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