Chapter 5

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Hot shot was getting treatment for cancer at Texas Children's hospital. Hot shot was still getting used to it. Hot shot was wondering if feeling big feelings was normal during cancer treatment. At times Hot shot sometimes felt kind of sad. "Mummy is it normal to feel sad about something like this?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes it is Hot shot," Quickshadow said. "It is also normal to feel other things too," she told him. "You might also feel scared, confused, overwhelmed numb and angry." she said. "These feelings are all completely fair and normal ones to have Hot shot," she said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot was feeling a bit better being able to talk about it. Hot shot watched the video from the imaginary friend society about feeling sad. He learned everyone gets sad. He learned sadness is part of life. No one likes being sad. He should acknowledge the sadness and ride it through. He will find it easier to handle and hold it together. He should express himself and not hide his emotions and pretend everything is alright. Hot shot felt better after watching the video. He was happy about watching it.

Hot shot was going in for another radiation treatment he had been getting it for the past week. He had break this weekend and now it was time for it to start back up again. Hot shot was starting to feel some of the effects of radiation. He felt kind of weak, tired and sick to his stomach. Hot shot was taking medicine to help with those problems. Hot shot was ready for his next radiation treatment.

"Hello Hot shot," a radiographer named Matt said. "I will be doing your radiation therapy today," he said. "Where are you getting your radiation treatment?" he asked.

"I am getting it to my head," Hot shot answered him.

"Okay then we should get start," Matt said. Then Hot shot was taken into the the room. Hot shot laid down on the big table. Then Matt snapped the mask on. Then the bed was moved into position. Then Matt left the room. Hot shot then stayed very still as the machine started. It was zapping away at his cancer to make it go away.

Then after the treatment was done Hot shot saw Dr. Paulino. "Hello Hot shot I want to know how you are feeling," Dr. Paulino said.

"A bit sick and tired after treatment, but the medicine to help my tummy not hurt helps," Hot shot said. "I am able to eat in about 10 minutes after I take it according to my mummy," he said.

"Very good," Dr. Paulino said. "You seem to be doing fine," he said examining Hot shot. "I see no serious problems going on so I think you are going to be fine," he said.

Hot shot was doing well and soon went back to his room. Hot shot was resting nice and comfortably outside. Hot shot was relaxing and having a fine time watching a movie. Hot shot soon saw his father come in. "Hello Hot shot," Heatwave said.

"Daddy," Hot shot said.

"Something came in the mail for you today from London England," Heatwave said.

"Granddad and Grandmum," Hot shot said.

"Yes it is from your Granddad and Grandmum," Heatwave said.

Heatwave helped Hot shot open the package. Inside was hand knitted beanie hat that was grey and had gold star pattern, a plush elephant, a bandana with a special pattern, a teddy with bandana around it's neck, some sour gummy worms which were Hot shot's favorite candy, a picture book, a coloring book, and new crayons. There was note too and Hot shot handed it to Quickshadow. "Dear Hot shot, your grandmum and I put together this care package for you, your grandmum knitted the hat herself, we got you this plush elephant and the picture book from a local book store, the coloring book, crayons and gummy worms came from the supermarket, and the teddy and bandana came from the Brain Tumour Charity they are a group here in the UK that helps kids and adults with brain tumors we got into contact with them and told them our only grandson who lives in the United States of America was just diagnosed with a Brain tumour and told them the type we asked if they could send a bandana and teddy for us to send to you to lift your spirits, your mother told us about the pediatric brain tumor foundation help and they said they would be happy to send a teddy and bandana for us to send to you, and that being in contact with more than one brain tumor group is a good idea, and they said to try to give a shout out to them with your mother whenever you can, and the brain tumour charity wants us to give a shout of to the Pediatric brain tumor foundation to see if they will be willing to help with their research ideas for kids with brain tumors in the UK. We wish you a lot of strength and we are planning to come to America for a while to help out you and your parents. Love, Granddad," Quickshadow said.

"I am glad they are coming over," Heatwave said. "Right now we need all the help we can get," he said. "My parents are even thinking of coming to be in a hotel near here to help out too as are my sister, brother in law my niece and nephews," he said. "But my sister, brother in law and their children will only be staying for the summer," he said.

"It will be great for the family to come over and help out," Quickshadow said. "I am grateful they are coming over to help out as much as possible, my brother Murray texted and said he was coming over for a couple of months to help out because he has time before his next movie roll," she said.

"Why is the family are coming out to here is it because of me?" Hot shot asked.

"They are coming here to help, because a lot is going to be going on," Quickshadow said. "There are going to be times where Heatwave and I are going to be busy with work and other things and can't take you treatments or be with you in the hospital," she said. "So another family member is going to stay with you," she said. "They are going to be helping with other things too like meals, shopping, and helping getting our minds off things," she said. "They will be staying with us off an on for most of your treatment." she explained. "This is because they want to help because this is not going to be easy and exhausting and hard for the whole family, and you are going to have your ups and downs during treatment Hot shot," she said. "So this whole thing even though it just started is going to be big rollercoaster," she said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot didn't like so much in his life was changing. "Why are things changing so much now? Why did I have to get a brain tumor that was brain cancer? Why must I go through all these treatments that so hard that I just started? Why must it be so hard to get better? Why do I feel all of these feelings twisting up inside?" he asked.

"I can understand how you feel son," Heatwave said. "Things change lot when a major medical condition happens like a brain tumor," he said.

"It is hard to say why you got a cancerous brain tumor it just happens to some people and others don't get them," Quickshadow said. "Know one knows why it happens that way, it just does," she said. "I know these treatments you just started are hard, even though the treatments are hard on your body they are helping your body fight the cancer," she said. "It is a long hard road to get better, but cancer is a tough illness and it needs to be hit really hard in order to back off and be destroyed and stay away," she explained.

"Your mother and I can understand about feelings twisting up inside about what is happening to you," Heatwave said. "We feel bad feelings about you having cancer twisting up inside us too, because cancer affects everyone in that person's life not just the one who has it," he said. "It is only because we love you that we feel so worried and all these bad feelings," he said.

"It's true Hot shot," Quickshadow said. "It is going to be hard but we will get through this together because we really need to stick together now understand?" she asked.

"I understand," Hot shot said.

"Very good," Heatwave said.

"That's good to hear," Quickshadow said.

Then the family of three hugged each other. Hot shot knew this was going to be a long tough road. But he was ready to face it with the help of his family being there for him. 

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