It's not like you like me

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Boy, you must really not love me, for you to not text me once even in 365 days,

But I guess it's okay,

If you start talking to me, I might lose interest anyway,

I don't like 'like' you, I just love the chase

I love the chase of finding your eyes and locking them onto mine in this maze,

I convince myself that this is all there is to it.

Because anyway, it's not like you like me, I can keep my feelings to myself,

I can look at you a little longer in secret,

There's no one to tell,

I won't move forward,

I will stay in this phase,

Because I don't get into relationships thinking it might end someday

And right now I know how hopeless this is.

Because anyway, it's not as if you like me,

But I am starting to doubt myself,

The way you are slowly starting to manipulate me into thinking you don't like me but oh well I have been there, it's my kinda hell

The reality is though, that these feelings must not escape but I swear to god if you ask me "Do you love me?" I will cry a river, it will explode all the fences and all of the gates,

I will nod my head, and tears will escape my eyes, my throat will choke up but there's only one answer in my eyes


Oh that's such a simple word, but it doesn't feel enough

And yes and with this I will doom us all

This will be our greatest fall

Because I don't get into relationships thinking it might end someday and I know right now how hopeless this is.

God how fucking hopeless is this.

HEART NEVER LIES ( A Collection of poems )Where stories live. Discover now