Chapter 4: Dating on set...

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Y/n's POV:

"Y/N Y/L/N" I hear a voice yell on set. "Isabella -- whatever your middle name might be -- Pappas." I respond. "Y/ much as I love how sassy you are, this is not the time for it. You and Malachi??" she asks. I gulp -- not from nerves but at disguss at the thought --. "Yup." I say casually. "What?? When?? where?? why?? how??? You hated each others guts, what changed??" she exclaims in a confused tone. I sigh.

"Well...I guess love just--walked in.. And I'm NOT just saying that because it's an Outer Banks refrence. It's true..I guess I just pretended to hate him because I didn't wanna admit my feelings for him. Not only for you guys...but also for myself. But--can you blame me? Malachi is just so--Amazing." I say. 'God I'ma throw up.' I think in disgust; "Aww..Y/n..That's so sweet. And coming from you. I'm suprised. You guys are s cute." she says in a soft tone. "Mhm.." I say nodding, trying to not-throw up at the thougth of him and me.

"You mind if I steal her from you for a sec?" I hear a familliar, annoying, voice say as the boy whose voice it is wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Of course..Don't have too much 'fun' you two." Isabella says teasingly and then walks away.

"Ugh, I fell like I'ma throw up any second." I say in an extremely disgusted tone. "I know right. As if I would ever would have 'fun' with you." Malachi says in a similair tone. I shrug. "What? You thinking about making out with me?" he asks me. I scoff. "No. Are you?"


Malachi's POV:

"No. Are you?" Y/n asks me. 'Ofcourse I'm no--' All of a sudden, a tought of kissing her flies trough my mind. 'What the f-- I don't wanna kiss her. I freaking hate her. Like really, really hate her. She's annoying like hell. And I mean it.' "You good?" she asks. I snap out of my thoughts. "I'm fine. And to answer you're question: Ofcourse I'm not thinking of making out with you, or even kissing you. That's disgusting." I say, quickly pulling my arm away from her shoulder when I realize I hadn't let go of her yet.

"Mhm..Okay." she just says. "Anyway. I heard what you said about me." I say with teasing smirk. "Oh yeah. Did you also hear the hint of disgution in my tone cause I still feel like I need to throw up." she says. "Mhm, sure you do, 'lovergirl'."


While filming:

In character:

"You two! What did you do to Ralph??" Vi (James) ask Colby (Malachi) and Hartley (Kayden). "Colby scoffs. "You mean your stupid bot?" He asks playfully "Superbot!" Vic exclaims at his dyed blond haired son. "I know you wanted revenge..What did you do?" "Nothing...Wink." Hartley (Kayden) says. "Did you just say wink and not wink?" Vic (James) asks Hartley (Kayden). "Nope..Wink." she responds. "There you did it again." Vic tells her. "Okay fine, I can't wink. But we didn't do anything." she snaps. "Wink."

"I can't take this anymore! Dad, we put mosterd in your shampoo." Colby (Malachi) snaps at hartley's behavior. "That, was your revenge??" Vic exclaims "Ahh makes sense. My morning shower was praticularly bold and spicey." He adds. He then looks back at his laptop and Colby and Hartley went to look at it too. "You have been hacked by 'sneakerqueen252'?!? Who is this evil genius?? No ones smarter than ME!" He exclaims while frowning.

"Except for me." A teasing voice speaks from behind them. They turn around to see you. "Y/c/n?!?" Colby exclaims. "Yup. I'm 'sneackerqueen252'. And I've been playing this game for ages." Your character says with a slight smirk. "But--why?" Hartley ask. "Well I need money and realized I needed an easy way to get it 'without stealing' so I went online and discovered sneakerbox." You say, rolling your eyes at the 'not stealing' part refering to Hartley.

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